Finidng Foreve

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Chris POV

Man I was tired as fuck. I had just got off the jet from Miami. Now all I wanted to do was go home and cuddle up with Brielle.

I walked in the crib and it was dead silent. I guess Brielle was in the room or something so I went to the kitchen and got me a bottle of water because I was thirsty as fuck.

" Brielle!" I yelled from the kitchen.

No reply.

" Baby!" I said going up the steps headed to our room. The house was silent as fuck and the room light wasn't even on like usual. I had this bad feeling something wasn't right.

I walked in the room and looked around. It wasn't shit on the floor like it usually is. By now I would've fell over 2 or 3 pairs of Bre shoes.

I looked around and wasn't shit changed, but the bathroom light was on somI guess Bre was in there. I smiled going into the bathroom, but it instantly faded. Bre was no where to be found.

" Bre!" I yelled walking around the house where the hell was this girl at. My heart was practically beating out my chest.

What I'm thinking, I'm really hopping ain't true.

I ran into the room and looked in the closet. All Brielle shit was gone except for the stuff I had bought her.

" What the fun man!" I yelled hitting the mirror in the middle of the walk in closet. I watched as all the glass fell to the floor. My fist instantly start hurting. I shook my hand around cause I know it was probably broken.

I went into the bathroom and yanked out all the drawers that had Bre stuff in. All of it was cleaned out. I glanced at myself in the mirror I had to do a double take. I turned around and read something on the shower slide door that'll make me change back to the old me.

" Chris, I'm sorry but I have to find myself in the world right now. Being with you isn't what I planned. I have to finish school and make a living. They always say working at MC to never fall for the customers, but there was something about you I couldn't stay away from. As much as you may hate me just know I really do love you, but the timing just wasn't right. Love always, Bad aka AP aka Brielle." I read aloud fuming with each and every word.

What the fuck she mean wrong timing and finding herself? Huh! I was nothing but loyal to her and all along she was using me.

I ran down the stairs and grabbed to bottles out the cabinet. The door probably broke off the hinges too, but oh well.

I went back up to my room and just sat on the bed thinking about what I could've possibly done to make her wanna leave. But I got nothing, I was everything but bad to her.

I drunk the first bottle with ease, straight Vodka no chaser. I looked at the other bottle that read Hennessy and just felt my world come crashing down.

I put my heart out there once and this shit ain't happening to me again. Fuck bitches, Get money thats the fucking motto. YOLO!

I chuckled aloud and opened the lid to the Hennessy and just start throwing that shit back.

" Chris" I looked up to see Brielle standing at the door

" The fuck you want?" I shouted sitting up on the bed.

" Look baby I'm sorry" she said stepping closer.

I threw a bottle at her making it hit the wall making her jump.

" Bitch you ain't sorry!" I yelled stumbling to get up from the bed.

" I love-" she started but I cut that shit short.

" Why you here huh? You don't love me you left. You ain't nothing but a selfish bitch!" O shouted pushing her down.

I looked down then back up and she was gone.

" Brielle! Brie-elle!" I slurred jogging down the steps.

I looked around and she was gone. I looked in the kitchen and she wasn't in there. What the hell she a ghost now or something? I must be imaging this shit. Yea thats right, ain't no bitch finna have me mopping.

I turned around and spotted my keys sitting on the counter. I walked over and grabbed them and ran outside to my car cause it was raining and shit. I ain't got time to be getting musty.

I got in the car and pulled out heading for the interstate. I reached for my phone and dialed Bre's number. I called at least 10 times and each time it said the same shit about her phone being disconnected and no longer in service.

I through my phone in the passenger seat and switched to the right lane headed East. I need answers cause this shit aint adding up.

I was driving for about an hour and was getting frustrated as fuck thinking about all the shit I did for her. I even got her selfish ass and engagement ring.

" I was so good to her!" I shouted speeding up a little.

" I fucking love her and she gone play me like bullshit! Hell No!" I said taking one hand off the wheel and hitting the dashboard.

" Fuck these hoes trynna play Breezy! Fuck her and fuck what she stand for!" I said pressing the gas.

I looked up at my mirror at the eighteen-wheeler behind me with them bright ass lights. I looked back at the road and ran into the person in front of me then the wall. Then I was knocked out completely.

"Let me tell you about, look

She hurt feelings, she break hearts

She stay quiet, she play smart

She take pride, in going out

Getting hollered at, and saying nah

She no saint, but she don't pose

She don't wear make up by the boat load

Riding through lake shore with the nose up

She don't really date much but it slows her up

She got haters, but we all do

Heard you winter time cold, shawty fall through

Baby look at they approach how they court you

All those minds games nevermind cause they all lose

In the physical sense I mean that

I ain't tryna kiss up, suck up, feed gas

I ain't like them nigga you sucking your teeth at, nope

Play big, trust me I'll humble your mean ass, look

Shawty is actually in prevent

Cause the one in front is working deep threat, yep

Bed, floor, couch, more

More, shower, Lord, perm

Done, love, nah

Called in the morning cell number wasn't on, goddamn"



Yikes! What y'all got to say now? Poe Poe Chris should've known that you should always fuck a bitch forget a hoe.

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