Mistaken Affection

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Its been at least three weeks sense Chris proposed,but the sad thing is it was all good until he start going back to his old ways. Everything was all good up until two days ago...


" Hey baby." I said kissing Chris on the cheek as he came in the kitchen.

" Wassup?" he said going to the fridge and getting a water and leaving out the kitchen in a hurry. After finishing the dishes I went to ask Chris about the wedding. I searched everywhere for him, but he was nowhere to be found.

I texted him and called him and got no reply. I'm not the clingy type so I just let it go and went to get Cre from school.

After picking Cre up and going to the grocery store I went home and started dinner.

4 hours had went by and still no reply from Chris. 

I went into the den and Cre was k.o. on the floor with his toys I guess school tires you out.

(A/N I'm making him 3 instead of 2)

I put Cre in the bed and decided that I'll make dinner special for Chris. I lit some candles and deemed the lights. After taking care of everything downstairs I went into our bathroom and lit some candles and made him a nice bubble bath and turned on the water jets to keep it warm.

I jumped in the shower and put on one of Chris's dress shirts and curled my hair. I even put on makeup and I don't normally do this.

I did all my last minute checks and went and waited at the dinning table. 

1 hour went by and he still wasn't here...

2 hours went by he still wasn't here...

3 hours went by and still was not here...

I guess he's not coming and I'm tired. I blew out all the candles and went upstairs and drained the water out the tub and took off my makeup.

I checked on Cre and then crawled into our big bed and lay-ed there for about an hour hoping he'd make it.

I checked my phone one last time and there was no messages from anyone. I sighed and rolled in the middle of the bed and fell asleep.

The next morning I awoke to see Cre sitting at the end of the bed watching tv. I stretched and checked my phone and there was 3 messages.

ChrisyPoo:  hey bae, my phone had died but I ended up staying at the studio till like 4 and then just went to Ty's and crashed.

I smiled knowing he was okay and sat up on the bed.

"Morning TiTi"Cre said crawling beside me.

"Morning baby" I said kissing his forehead

"Where's uncle Chris?" he asked looking at the tv

"With Ty' I said playing in his hair watching tv.

5 minutes later on TMZ who do we see?

"Last night Mr. Brown was seen coming out the coca hookah lounge with ex Karrueche Tran, wonder what Brielle will say about this one?" the reporter said 

Just then front door slammed shut and Cre looked up at me with wide eyes.

what the hell???



SOO what yall think? Aint Chris just dirty smh...lol yall please don't hate me!

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