Chapter 3

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Angel's POV

I stared at the ceiling, my eyes wide open. I couldn't get any sleep at all. I decided to go for a run as that always makes me feel better.

I put on my jeans and jacket and headed downstairs quietly so I don't wake any one up. I went behind a tree and took off my clothes then shifted.

My wolf was quite unique. It was pure white and had black paws. The special part is that on the right side there is a bit of black which forms a heart. I also happen to be bigger than most female wolves as I have alpha blood.

I started to run and it felt great. The wind touching my fur made me feel so comfortable and free.

As I was running some wolf suddenly jumped in front of me. It didn't look like any of the wolves from the Shadow pack-Jacob's pack.

I guessed it was a rogue.

It suddenly started to run towards me and was about to to attack me but I dodged it easily. Out of the blue another one came out. Seriously two against one was totally unfair. I tried to attack one but the other one attacked me first.

I let out a loud howl in pain as it bit my leg. In a second a big black wolf leaped on the rogue and started attacking it. The rogue let out a howl of pain. The wolf then attacked the other rogue getting the same response. They quickly tried to run away.

The wolf went behind a tree and shifted as he put on his clothes. I realized that he was Jacob.

"Are you ok?" asked Jacob with worry in his voice.

I nodded.

"Why don't you shift?" he asked and I went behind a tree and shifted then put on my clothes. My leg was bleeding and it was very painful.

He then did the unexpected. He took off his shirt and wrapped it around my bleeding leg.

"Thank you." I said to him.

"So like umm did you think about what I said?" he asked.

"Yes I did." I answered.

" And what is your response?" he asked looking me in the eye.

"Yes. My answer is yes I agree that I should give you a chance." I said as I watched his mouth turn into a grin.

"Umm I should probably take you home."he said and I nodded.

I tried getting up but the pain was so unbearable that I fell back to the ground. He then came and kept his arms under my legs and back and carried me bridal style. My face turned bright red.

We finally reached home and he let me down. "Well then good night and take care of your leg." he said to me. I nodded and went towards him and kissed him on the cheek. I could see him blushing and he was grinning like he just won the lottery. I walked into the house and luckily everyone were still asleep.

I headed upstairs and got the first aid kit. I was done bandaging my leg when my phone vibrated. I opened it finding that I got a text from an unknown number. I opened it an it said,'Sweet dreams my little Angel'.

I started smiling like an idiot and I knew who sent me the text. I then went to sleep clutching my phone and smiling.

*Next Morning*

I woke up to a phone call. It was from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I said answering the phone.

"Hey beautiful. Did I wake you?" said Jacob.

"Hey.Yeah you kinda did."I replied.

"Sorry."he said.

"It's ok." I said smiling like an idiot.

"So umm wanna hang out today. You know since it's saturday."he asked.

"Sure!" I said trying not to sound so excited but I ended up sounding like that anyway.

"Ok. I'll pick you up at 3."he said before he hang up.

I looked at the clock beside me bed and found that the time was 12:30. I hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and listened to music. I was now listening to Heart attack by Demi Lovato.

You make me Glow

But I cover up won't let it show

So I'm putting my defenses up

Cuz I don't wanna fall in love

If I ever did that

I think I'd have a heart attack

I was finally done with my shower. I wrapped a towel around me and headed out. I walked over to my closet and picked out an outfit. I picked skinny jeans with a shocking pink top with some black writing on it and black vans. I put on mascara, eyeliner and pink lipgloss. I put on my charm bracelet,necklace with an A and some cute hoop earings.

I went downstairs and looked at the clock. It was 2:30. Everyone was still sleeping except my parents who were out at work. I sat and on the couch and started watching Pretty Little Liars-my fave show- on tv. Half an hour later the door bell rang and I jumped off the couch and headed towards the door.

I opened the door and in front of me Jacob was standing. He looked amazing in his jeans and black t-shirt. His hair was messy in a cute way.

"Hey beautiful. Ready to go?"he asked and I nodded and we headed towards his car.

"So where are we going?"I asked curious.

"Now that would ruin the surprise."he replied and I looked out of the window.

"Did I mention you look stunning today?"he asked making me blush.

"No you didn't."I answered.

"Well then you look stunning today."he said then took my hand and planted a kiss on it making me blush even more.

"You don't look so bad yourself."I said.

The car finally stopped outside a forest. He grabbed my hand shooting sparks all over it. He led me into the forest and after a while of walking we reached the most beautiful place I have ever seen. It looked like heaven on earth. There was a waterfall and lovely flowers everywhere, Dandelions, lilies, roses. You name it.

He took my hand and led me near the lake where there was a basket. We sat down and he started taking out food from it. It was so delicious.

"This food is beyond delicious. Who made it?"I asked.

"I did. My mom taught me how to cook so I can make my mate happy."he replied taking a napkin and wiping my cheek making me blush.

"You look so cute when you blush."he said grinning making me blush even more. We were finally done and we kept everything back in the basket.

We sat next to each other while watching the scenery and he kept his arm over my arm making sparks to erupt yet again. I just hoped time would just stop at this moment. It was just perfect.



I enjoyed writing the chapter so much and I hope you enjoy reading it!!

Thanks to everyone who took time reading my story I am so grateful.

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LOVE YA ALL!!! ~ Fawzia

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