Never gonna give up

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Jason's pov

I wait for her at the diner. He's not going to keep us from being together. Neither are the cops. She sits at her usual table and I sit across from her, reintroducing myself. We have a nice conversation while she eats. Then I hand her the DVD I remade last night. I smile after she watches it. "If you run away with me, I'll help you instead of sheild you and you'll be able to make friends and stuff. You won't be in the dark." I say, holding her hand. "But... You'll have to put up with this shit every day!" She gasps. Whoa! I've never heard her cuss before. "Yep, and everyday, I'll remind you who you are. Now get packed, we're moving far away from here but don't tell your dad, he'll try to stop you." She nods and hugs me. "Thanks Jason." She waves and heads home. I do the same. I'm glad I have a portable DVD player. I hook that up in my truck because if she falls asleep I'm gonna have to have the DVD ready or she'll think I'm some psychotic kidnapper. This is going to be hard work but I won't ever give up. And to think it all started by falling off the tractor after catching a glimpse of the farmer's daughter. She drives up and I put her suitcase in the back. She gets in my truck and we start the drive to music city. She holds my hand and I lace our fingers together. "I hate that I forget you everyday." "It's okay sweetheart. You can't control it." "I know but you're so good to me and I don't even know it the next day." "It don't matter to me. I don't mind reminding you who you are and of how we first met because it's a great story. In fact I don't think you know our original first meeting since you've first met me repeatedly." She giggles. "Tell me." So I tell her about me falling off the tractor and her helping me. "I fell in love with you right then and there." "So all the other times...... They're first times for me but not you." I nod and turn into a resturaunt. "Let's get some grub, I'm starved." "Me too." I'm glad she didn't fall asleep so I didn't have to explain it all again.

*several hours later*

Her dad's pov

I know that stupid kid has something to do with her disappearing. I show them a picture and tell them she has a medical condition and needs to be returned home immediately. They start the search.

Jason's pov

A news bulletin interrupts the TV while we're eating. I don't pay attention until I hear her name. Crap! "Hey honey, we've gotta go." I say, grabbing her hand. I quickly pay and peel out of there. "What's the hurry?" She gapes. "Your dad sent the cops after me. He said he would but I didn't think he really would!" I guess we have to drive straight through. The bulletin comes on the radio. I'm about to turn it off but she stops me. "Just take me home. I don't want you to go to jail." I shake my head. "If I take you back, I'll never see you again!" I squeeze her hand. "It'll be okay. Trust me." She sighs then smiles. "I trust you." I smile and hug her. "I love you baby." "I love you too."

*one drive later*

I pull up in Nashville, pulling my hat down lower to conceal my face since I'm an outlaw now. I find a cheap hotel. I'm so tired. The cops can't keep us apart. It wasn't kidnapping. She went with me willingly. As soon as I shut the door, she kisses me! I'm not complaining. I was just caught off guard. She rests her hands on my shoulders, mine around her waist. She's not gonna remember this in the morning but I am. We sit on the bed making out. She pushes me back. "Are you sure baby, you know you won't remember any of it tomorrow!" "I might not remember it tomorrow but I'll remember it now and you'll remember it tomorrow." "I don't know...." "Jason, I wanna do this." I'm still reluctant. Oh what the heck. "Let's do it then."


I love her so much. All the rememberance stuff is not gonna stop me from loving her and wanting to spend the rest of my life with her. "Ana," I start holding her hand which rests against my chest. "I want you to marry me. I want you to be my wife. Do you wanna do that?" She sits up. Her eyes teary. I sit up too and hug her. "Yes." She whispers in my ear. A tear slips down my cheek. "I love you baby."

*the next day*

I wake up to her screaming. Uh oh. "What's going on!? Where am I?" She screams, backing away. "It's okay, I'll explain everything. Just calm down." I gasp, getting up. "Don't move!" She yells. "What? I've got to-" "I said don't move!" I sigh. "Ok, I won't move but everything you need to know is on the DVD in my suitcase." She still stares at me suspiciously. Tears stream down her face. I hate to see her so upset. "I promise. I don't kidnap you. You're my girlfriend who has a bad memory. Just let me get the DVD." She lowers the lamp she was using as a weapon. "Ok, but no sudden moves or I'll use this." I know she will. She must be so scared. I should've had the DVD ready. I get it set up for her. I go down to the lobby to give her some alone time. She's not gonna remember the fact that I asked her to marry me. It's not in the DVD yet. I need to renew it. I hear someone say my name. I glance over. Shit! The cops! I hide my face and walk as quickly and nonchalantly to the elevators. "Mind if we take a look?" Crap! I take off for the stairs and get back to our room, breathing heavily from running. "Sorry for freaking out." "It's okay darlin', it ain't the first time. Oh but there's something new that's not in the video. I asked you last night-" A knocking interrupts me. Oh crap the cops! I put a finger to my lips and walk over to the DVD player. That's the only thing out of my stuff I care about keeping. That and my recorder so I can update it. "Come on." I whisper, taking her hand. "What's going on?" "Your dad doesn't like me so he sent the cops after me." I open the window. We're three stories up. Ugh, my fear of heights is gonna kill me right now. I pocket the DVD and put the recorder on the strap around my neck. "We'll sneak down to my truck. It'll be okay." "What were you going to say?" Oh that. "Um hold on let's get outta this mess first." I grip her around the waist and grab the rope hanging from the roof in front of our window. "Close your eyes, darlin'." She holds tight to me and buries her head in my shoulder. I feel nauseous being up so high. "Here goes nothing." I mumble. She's shaking like a leaf. The door slams open scaring the crap out of me. "There he is!" One yells. "Shit!" I lose my footing in surprise. I hold her tighter as we slip down the rope to the ground, landing on my knees. I help her up. "You okay?" She nods. "I'm scared Jason!" "I know hun, but I've got ya." We rush to my truck and I drive out of there as quickly as I could. "Wow, that was scary." I mumble. "Now what were you gonna say?" Oh yeah. I put the DVD in the recorder so it can record this. I set it up. "Last night I asked you an important question." "What was it?" I hold her hands. "Will you marry me?" Her eyes go wide and I'm worried she'll be freaked out and say no. "I'd love to." She gasps, hugging my neck. Thank goodness. I turn the recorder off. "What's that for?" "New footage for you to watch so you know that we're gonna be married." "We should do it today so I don't forget." I smile. "Whatever you say, sweetheart."

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