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Slowly rising her head to the only come upon a warm welcoming from the man's eyes. She thought to her self. Is this the feeling of finding love? Is he the reason why God made me wait 9 long, lonely years to expierence? Countless thoughts filled her obscured mind, until she came to a final conclusion.
"This must be happy ending of my overly repeated dreams!" As she thought out loud.
The man replied with an uncanny look and gentle chuckle. He pinpointed her Hershey colored irises as if he was a missile on target lock. The man swiftly perceived Adeline's passion and need of love through the faint spark in her eyes. He saw the storms and hardships through her ocular pathways. He slowly but securely placed his palms on her wet, cold cheeks, and letting his fingers fall in their respective places, as he steadily brought her face closer to his.
Adeline, trembling, not from the freezing drops of rain that are making contact on the top of her head and shoulders, but from the commotion of hormones reacting in her petite body. She grasped the man's muscular mid body to exchange body heat, so there's no way she could feel the harsh weather. Elegantly, she tip toed to gain a few inches of height and lifted her left leg up as if it were a blockbuster movie kissing scene. However, the unexpected happened.
Bonk! The sound rumbled through out the gloomy street. It seems like Adeline had tip toed to high and thumped the lower part of the man's chin.
"Sorry..." She uttered in embarassement.
He replied ever so warmly, "It's alright. Let's try again. I know you're unexpirenced with situations like these." giggling with a half grin.
"Hmph!" She replied as she squized him closer and tighter for revenge to his sweet and sour remark.
Doing it right this time, they both engage in exchaing saliva so dramatically devoted to each stroke of their warm tongues and pale lips. Mixed emotions filled both of their hectic thoughts. Adeline's finger nails started to dig into the man's wet shirt and slowly into his soft skin. The man could feel Adeline's muscles tighten. He stopped and moved his head back a few cm.
"Relax and enjoy the moment." He faintly whispered in her ear.
"These feelings, these actions, they're so new to...." Unable to finish.
The man blandly rested the tip of his index finger on her wet lips. "Let's take it one step at a time. Go with the flow." Gradually releasing a crescent moon smile.
Adeline nodded her head in agreement to his proposal. She was filled with ecstacy, living life at it's finest, knowing someone was there to love her after 9 long years of isolation.
The man strongly and boldly uplifted Adeline off her feet, and carried her like they were a newly wedded couple. With one hand below the shoulder blades and one behind the arch of the knee. The rain stopped, but it no longer mattered. Their clothes were drenched. It looked like it was newly rinsed from a pail of water. Despite of the extra weight from the clothes bestowed, the man's grip stayed strong and firm. He carried her to the Main Street which was only a block away. Bright lights flashed in front of their eyes, blinding them for mere moments. Sharp noises of car horns and people yelling bellowed through out the building alley ways.
After 20 minutes of waiting on the dirty corner of the Main Street, they were finally able to find a taxi.
Adeline quickly uttered, " 117 Hollystone Blvd. , don't worry, you can stay at my place." As she placed her drenched self on the Man's sturdy body.
As soon as the taxi came to a vault, the man quickly brought out his dusty, withered, leather wallet that looked like it came from a pawn shop and asked the driver how much they needed to pay.
Lightly slapping the man's hand away, she proceeded, "I got this one." She brought out a large bill and told the driver to keep the change for being a polite driver. The man felt ashamed.
"I apologize I'm not rich. You deserve someone who is wealthy..." The man uttered in complete humilation .
Adeline sweetly kissed the man's right cheek and smiled. It brought back the spark the both had hours ago. Both filled with the desire to release the beast on each other's body, they rushed inside and shut the front door making a loud rukus. The man looked like a beat up rag doll because of how hard Adeline pulled on his upper extremities. You can see how excited she was to feel love and freedom. As soon as the bedroom door closed with such force, and silence was broken due to the sound if zippers unzipping, a bright light and sound of a machine was all she can see and hear.
Beep...bop...beep...bop, the sound of a heartrate monitor doing its job and repeating its usual noise.
"You're finally awake, after 2 long weeks, you finally decided to wake up!" The nurse rejoiced.
Adeline looked around in a daze, her neck was still as stiff as a pole, she was able to find a 2 week old newspaper by her side. Headlining : " Woman Involved In Hit and Run Rushed To Local Hospital". Slowly and steadily, everything came back to her like a fishing line carefully being reeled in. She remembered crossing the street without being noticed ba a speeding motorcyclist, only realizing she was hit.
With a little hope sparkling in her eyes, she asked the nurse, " Did a man come by and visit me?"
"What man?" The nurse replied in confusion.
"A tall man muscular man who applied to find for a job at my company... He was a carpenter." She screamed like a toddler having a daily tantrum.
Looking down under the blue, " Sorry, but no one has visited you, only the hospital staff and your insurance company ."
Her face went blank as if everything inside her was torn into small pieces of paper only to be sweeped up and thrownaway . Only to come to her senses and acknowledge everything that happened was only a dream.
"I guess there is no happy ending for me..." She whispered, looking up to the ceiling.

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