Part 17

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Ok, so 17 is my lucky number so I'm going to try to make this chapter as long and dramatic/amazing as possible! Haha, thank you for all your votes and comments, and I hope you enjoy reading my story. Anyway, I better get started! Hope you enjoy:D

Lot's of love and hugs, Ellie x 

P.S. This story is based on a dream I had a couple weeks ago, and I thought I would write it up on here. That is why me and the main character have the same name, lol. Just thought I'd say so you don't get confused.. If the text is written in bold, it's me, the author speaking. If it's italic, it's a thought; and if it's just normal writing it's either speech or description. 

Will woke up at half ten in the morning the next day, grabbing his phone immediately. His eyes were almost completely shut, and then he read the text off Ellie.

     His eyes widened, almost popping out of the sockets. “Meet me tomorrow at the park down the road from mine at 11AM sharp, don’t be late.” He read,

     He traced his eyes down at the clock on his phone, and noticed the time. “Oh my god,” He panicked, jumping out of bed. “I need to rush!”

     He ran to the bathroom and cleaned himself thoroughly, washing his face and brushing his teeth. He then ran back to his room, where he grabbed some clothes to slip on quickly. Once he was ready it came to 10:45AM, fifteen minutes before Ellie wanted to meet up with him.

     Why does she want to meet up with me? He asked himself, she said that yesterday was a mistake, and now she wants to meet up with me... Girls are so confusing.

     Will rubbed his eyes, trying to wipe out the last little sneaky bits of sleep. He ran into his Mum, Zoey, in the kitchen where she is stood by the cooker making breakfast.

     She jumped to the sound of Will’s footsteps, “Gosh, Will. I didn’t expect you to be up this early on a Sunday,”

     “Got to meet up with someone,” Will said slipping some black converses on quickly,

     “Who are you meeting up with?” Zoey questioned,

     “Ellie,” Will replied.

     “Okay, honey. Don’t be long, I’m making breakfast,” Zoey smiled happily,

     Will picked up a breakfast waffle and nodded, “Love you Mum,”

     “Love you too, Will” Zoey replied kissing him on the forehead. “Oh, and Will,”

     “Yes?” Will replied,

     “Don’t forget to take a coat, it’s chilly outside.”

     Before Zoey knew it, Will had already disappeared out of the kitchen and out through the front door, not wearing a coat. Stressing out, he checked his phone to see the time.

     “Five to eleven...” He said, cocking an eyebrow. “I swear I didn’t take that long putting my shoes on,”

     He shrugged, forgetting about how long he took to pull up the converses on to his feet; and he started speed walking to the park, that was only a few streets away.

*                                            *                                         *

     In Ellie’s point of view, she was already at the park, waiting for Will’s arrival. Today was a particularly cold day, so Ellie wore a dark purple fluffy hat with a matching coat that had big round black buttons that she had buttoned up before leaving her house. Her icy hands remained in her pockets, and her right hand had hold of her iPhone in her pocket as she sat swinging on a swing. She sat in the park alone, and felt quite weary of the goings on around her. Every time she heard a sound, a footstep, or even a mobile ringing, she’d be on the case; secretly hoping it was Will.

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