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It starts with a whisper...

That's exactly how the rebellion started. With the whispers of the powerful against the proclaimed emperor of the galaxy. But, it was the daring fortitude of one man that turned these whispers to hails of gunfire and explosions. It was he who brought these voices together into a cacophonous roar of discord that will echo for time immemorial. He was known to me as Galen Marek, but you probably know him as Starkiller.

A boy, taken from his father by the Sith Lord, Darth Vader. The boy, with midichlorians flowing through his body, was trained in the Ways of the Sith by Vader, becoming his secret apprentice. He was trained for many years under Vader's tutelage, immersing Starkiller into the dark ways of the Sith. Along this path, Starkiller became disillusioned to his identity, forgetting his name, and the life he had before Vader.

It wasn't until Vader sent him on his first mission that his true path really began. He was sent to assassinate General Rahm Kota, one of the last living Jedi, and a master of the Force. Starkiller fought his way through an Imperial space station to Kota, and defeated him in single combat, throwing Kota through a broken window, sending him plummeting to the surface of Nar Shaddaa. He did not know, that one day, Kota would be his Master, and, that a woman, named Juno Eclipse, would change the way he saw everything.

Starkiller achieved many great feats during his short life. He defeated 3 Jedi Masters in single combat. Including Jedi Council member Master Shaak Ti. Unbeknownst to most people, he is considered by many people to be the most powerful Jedi since Anakin Skywalker. He started the Rebellion, albeit coincidentally and maybe even unintentionally. But, he knew the cause he was fighting for was just. In the end, before his death, he knew that he was doing the right thing... He gave his life to save the Rebellion. Thus, why we use the Marek Family Crest as the symbol for the Rebellion.

6 months after this transpired, the Rebellion was barely surviving. We were scrounging for resources, and we didn't have the power or troops to attack any meaningful Imperial targets. But, we also didn't want to waste lives making small hit-and-run attacks either. We needed a game changer, and thats what we got...

A hero, something we desperately needed, resurfaced in our surveillance of the space around Kamino, the planet home to all of the cloning facilities for the Empire. We spotted Darth Vader's personal TIE Bomber leaving the surface of the planet, only a few hours after arriving. A few days later, reports surfaced of General Rahm Kota's escape from the Tarko-Se arena on Cato Neimoidia. Little did we know, the hero of the Rebellion was the one who rescued him. A few weeks later, General Kota and what appeared to be Starkiller, appeared aboard the Salvation, the flagship for the fleet of Captain Juno Eclipse. Shortly after their arrival, the fleet was attacked, and Captain Eclipse abducted by Sith Shock Troops and a strange bounty hunter. It was strange, because, after the ship was boarded, we began an attack on the cloning facilities of Kamino. The Rebellion threw everything they had at the facilities. In the end, it was not enough. Starkiller had no interest in helping the Rebellion, only in helping himself. The clone began obsessing and chasing after Captain Eclipse, ending in a final confrontation with Darth Vader. But it was not all a loss. In the end, the Rebellion destroyed a few of the cloning facilities, and capturing Vader in the process. Now, that Starkiller had her back, he could turn his focus to destroying the Empire, and we had the best piece on the board...

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