Chapter 1

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"Darkness, that's all I feel around him." Starkiller muttered to Juno as they sat in the cockpit of the Rogue Shadow. "Why do we have to escort him to Tatooine personally, couldn't they get the Honor Guard to take him?" Juno said inquisitively. "You know that won't work. If he gets loose at any point, I'm the only one who has a chance of stopping him." I gave her a look of regret, knowing how much she wanted to leave all this fighting behind. But I couldn't leave, not yet anyway. I have to make sure Vader gets somewhere the Empire will never find him.

She came over to me, and sat on my lap. She looked me in the eyes, and I gazed into hers. Those crystal clear, blue eyes. Then she kissed me, so deeply, I felt all my pain fade away, and in that moment, there was only her.

"Why do we keep doing this?" she asked inquisitively.

"Doing what?" I replied.

"Keep fighting the galaxy's battles. Its getting a little old Galen."

"I told you not to call me that. I'm not him... I'm just, a clone."

"No, you aren't... Galen."

"I'm not having this conversation now, there's too much going on to worry about it."

"We could always go somewhere secluded, where no one will ever find us..."

There was an explosion. It rocked the ship so violently that Juno fell trying to reach the hyperdrive. "Hull breach in the lower decks!" Juno tried to yell over the alarms. "VADER!" I sprinted for the elevator, pulling the doors open and jumping down the shaft to the lower level. I managed to catch a glimpse out of the window, and saw a familiar ship trying to dock in the breach of the Rogue Shadow. Of course, its the ship of that bounty hunter that kidnapped Juno!

I reached the meditation chamber where we were keeping Vader at the same time as the bounty hunter. He saw me and started firing immediately. Not at me, but at Vader's restraints. Vader then grabbed the lightsaber the bounty hunter brought him, and I knew I was in trouble. Yet, without a word, the bounty hunter retreated to his ship, leaving Vader and I alone in the meditation room. Vader activated his lightsaber, the blood red color of the blade lighting up his face mask. I drew my sabers and did the same, except mine were white. They were made of an extraordinarily rare saber crystal found only in a specific cave on Ilum. It could cut through anything with a single flourish of my hand. "So, the battle begins anew" Vader said, in between breaths from his respirator.

We rushed each other, blades in full swing. When we first collided sparks flew everywhere. Our sabers making that familiar twang sound. We exchanged a series of blows for what seemed like hours, then we backed off to allow some respite. I could tell that Vader was still very weak from our last battle, but so was I. We started circling each other yet again. Vader charged me with sith lightning to distract me and struck, with me barely dodging the blow. I went back at him full force. My saber strikes became something resembling graceful. But, so did his. It seemed as if we would go back and forth forever, until I landed a glancing blow on his helmet.

He stumbled back, falling to one knee. I had actually injured him, or disturbed his respirator. He let out strange metallic growls every time he took a breath. He started to retreat into the bounty hunter's ship, so I gave chase. "Vader! You're not getting away that easily! Fight me the way you were meant to." "I do not have time for the petty squabbles of a child." he boomed as he boarded the ship. I didn't even hesitate, and threw one of my sabers at him, guiding it with the force. But, right before it would have struck Vader square in the chest, it just stopped. Then I saw a shadowy figure step off the ship. I backed away in horror...

"Hello... brother."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2015 ⏰

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