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Arlando couldn't hide his excitement. He didn't remember their kiss until now. How could he forget their first kiss? He closed the book, keeping his hand between the pages as he did the last time and closed his eyes, his breathing even as he tried to recollect the events. He was remembering their kiss now, her red-stained lips upon his own. She tasted like mint and candy. He remembered eating a chicken sandwich before he met up with her. If he knew he would be kissing her then he surely would have popped a few mints into his mouth.

The lines after their date started becoming sharper and the haziness of the memories were slowly slipping away, everything becoming much more clearer. He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat and fisted his hands. Even after so many years of taking off and leaving Kathleen he still hadn't found what he was looking for. Why was it so hard for him to see that maybe all he needed to do was stay a little longer and he would have found what he was seeking out for the most part of his life?

Sighing regretfully, he opened the book wary to reading the next chapter. Was this the chapter where she talks about their breakup and the harsh cold truth about Arlando's selfish needs. But as his words scanned the next few pages, his heart grew lighter and he smiled, the memory of the night, several weeks and months later after their first kiss and dating, making his heart warm and flutter with an all too familiar emotion. He hadn't felt it for ages and welcomed it gladly with open arms.



Over the next few weeks, that turned to months, I felt so happy like I held the world in my hands. Everything was sunshine and rainbows, clear as the filtered light, but I should have known as both a writer and reader to believe strongly in the words 'the calm before the storm'. But I'm not ready to jump to the storm yet. I wanted to share with you one more night before the storm that I will forever remember. It was a night where I felt the most connected to you; the night was limitless and we were both free.

You surprised me by coming up to my university and I was outside, sitting on the grass and reading a novel, the sinking sun's rays hitting my face and warming it. I welcomed the warmth. It was winter now and I pushed all my summer clothes back, inviting back my dearly missed skinny jeans.

I was so immersed into the novel I was reading - Mistwood by Leah Cypess - that I didn't notice your presence until I felt arms come round me and hug me to your chest, your head burying into the nape of my neck and your lips kissing my neck slowly moving your lips upwards till they grazed my ear, your teeth, biting my earlobe. The grasp I had on the book loosened and I relaxed into your arms. You'd done this before and I remembered the last time you did this. I almost jumped out of your arms because I was so scared and shocked.

Your lips pressed to my ear, your breath sending many pleasurable waves down my spine. "Why don't you go freshen up? I'll wait for fifteen minutes. We're doing out for an early dinner."

I looked at you then, tipping my head up and my blue eyes met your dazzling hazel ones. The proximity between our faces made my heart pick up it's beat and race the closer I felt your face draw nearer to mine. I should have been used to it by now, your surprise kisses, your touch and you but the more I spent time with you it all grew less foreign as well as more exciting at the same time. Maybe it was because I was finally over the 'beginning to fall in love with you' and was at the 'I love you' stage. But I feared to say those words. I didn't throw them around like they were simply words.

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