Dipcifica (again) with Pacifica in it

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Dipper:whats the ship


Dipper:we did that already

Mabel:with Pacifica watching it with us

Pacifica:*walks in*

Mabel:I ship you guys so much

Dipper and Pacifica:*blush*

Mabel:aww you guys blushed *turns on tablet*

Dipper and Pacifica:no we didn't

After watching it

Mabel:didn't you guys look cute Dipcifica

Dipper and Pacifica:shut up Mabel

Mabel:*grins evily*

Pacifica:wh-why does she look like that

Mabel:*pushes Dipper to Pacifica to make them kiss* match made

Dipper and Pacifica:*blushes* isn't this done

Mabel:yea bye peeps *whispers* make them kiss

Dipper and Pacifica:we heard that


Pacifica:bye people

Dipper and Mabel's opinion on ships (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now