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Pacifica:what's the ship

Mabel:.......can I go back to sweater town even though he's dating tambry



Pacifica:how many ships are we gonna do in one day

Mabel:ok he's dating tambry and tambry's dating Robbie

Dipper:yea from that love potion you gave them

Wendy:*comes in* you gave my friend and...Robbie love potion

Dipper:*blush* he-he-hey Wendy

Mabel:we're doing something

Wendy:ok? and Dipper you gotta get over me *leaves*

Dipper:I know *turns on tablet*

After watching it

Mabel:I belong with mermando not Robbie

Dipper:he's dating a manatee Mabel



Mabel:bye peeps and *brings out a knife and throws it to Dipper but hits his hat*

Dipper:*scared* help me

Dipper and Mabel's opinion on ships (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now