Chapter 1

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Newt's POV

The cold air hit my best friend, Minho, and I hard. "Newt, why exactly do we have to be here so early?" He grumbled at me, obviously upset at me for having him drive us here at 10:00 am. "I just need to get a Harry Potter book, it's been so long since I've read the series. I miss London, and this will be a sweet reminder of it." I explained briefly to him. "Whatever." He muttered.

The two of us stepped into the library, and I took a moment to bask in the glory of the the big room and it's seemingly endless shelves of books. "Are we going to get your precious books or not, because I did not drive here at 10:00 am to have you sit here and look at shelves you shank." Minho sassed. 'Shank' was part of the town slang, pretty much everyone here used it. I've lived here for three years, so I'd grown to use it.

"Well, we could've came later if you weren't so keen on dragging me to the mall at exactly 11:00 am to get to the all day hair gel sale that, and I quote, 'only happens once a year'." I replied, glaring at him. "Just go get your dumb book." Minho grumbled. He had usually been in a more upbeat move, maybe he was upset that he didn't get all his 'beauty sleep'. Arrogant shank.

As I started browsing the books, observing each row of each shelf, my eyes studying each book. Minho followed me impatiently. After looking down several rows, I still hadn't found the book I was looking for. I turned to look at Minho who had been gone. I spotted him talking to a girl who had been reading a book. By his stance you could tell he was flirting. Huffing a small laugh, I continued looking. But someone had caught my eye before I fully turned back to the shelf.

It was a boy, probably my age. He was a tall brunette with dark eyes. The boy was pushing a cart, placing books in their correct spots. I wait for him to turn just a bit. He does, and I can see a tag, but he's too far for me to read it. Before the boy can see me staring a quickly divert my eyes. He's cute.

After looking through so many shelves my head began hurting. Should I ask the boy for help? No, I don't want to bother him. He looks busy.

I went through even more shelves until I was interrupted. "Did you find your book yet?" Minho asked, sounding upset. The girl must've shot him down. "No, not yet. Maybe it's in a different part of the library-" I'm suddenly cut off by my friend. "Hey, why don't you ask that shank over there?" He asked, pointed to the boy I'd been, uh, observing.

"Uh, I-I guess I c-could.." I stuttered a blush rising to my face. Minho rolled his eyes and started walking towards the boy. I follow Minho hesitantly. The boy turned to us, his gaze scanned Minho and then me. I swore he blushed when he looked at me. It's probably just my imagination. . .

"Hey, can I help you?" He asked with a kind smile. I swear, that smile makes me melt.. You don't even know him, Newt. For all you know, he's probably straight. And probably has a girlfriend, anyways.

"Yeah, this shank-" Minho stopped to point at me, "-is looking for, uh, what's it called again, Newt?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Harry Potter." The boys eyes lit up. "Harry Potter? I'm a big fan! Here, this way." Me and my best friend followed him to where he scanned the books. "Ah, here they are! Though, we only have Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone at the moment. Is that okay?" He asked, glancing at me. I nod, taking a chance to read his name tag. Thomas.

"Great, glad I could help you out! Erm, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" He asked quietly, a small blush on his cheeks. "I-I'm, uh, N-Newt." I answered, cursing at myself for stuttering. You've made a fool of yourself, Newt!

Thomas gives me a warm smile, which makes my heart race. "Well, nice to meet you, Newt. I'm Thomas." I return the smile. "Nice to meet you too, Tommy-" I throw my hands over my mouth, my face turning red. Newt what did you just do oh my God you've messed it up he probably hates me now oh God-

"Oh my God, I'm so so sorry, ugh I'm such a stupid shank-" I exclaimed, throwing my hands all over the place. Thomas' eyes widen. "Hey, Newt, it's okay. Don't worry about it. It's a cute nickname. You know, no one else calls me Tommy, I quite like the way you say it. It works with your voice." He explained quickly. I huff a sigh in relief. "So, uh, I'll see you around, Tommy." I say with a small smile. "Okay, Newtie!" I turn around slowly. "Do not call me that." I say with a fake serious voice. He raises a brow. "So you can call me Tommy but I can't call you Newtie?" "Exactly." I smile at him and turn around, smirk, and start to look for Minho who I didn't know had left.

I eventually found him after what seemed like forever. I check out my books and leave the library with Minho, Tommy being the only thing on my mind.

Thomas' POV

As soon as Newt walks away I'm left with butterflies in my chest. Woah.

I feel guilty for thinking about him like this. I mean, I have a girlfriend. But Newt is so cute. . . He's a bit shorter then me with blonde hair and dark eyes and he's so cute, he's hard to resist. And on top of it all, he was British! And a book need! A British book nerd who is super cute.

I mentally slap myself. The only person who I should think of this way is Brenda, my girlfriend.

But she isn't like Newt. I don't have much in common with her. I don't have the heart to dump her. Wait. Why would I want to dump Brenda? I love her. Right? Besides, I barely knew Newt. I just met him today. He could be a serial killer. He's to cute to be a serial killer. I know I'm Bisexual, but I don't know about Newt. He's probably straight. He probably doesn't even go to my school, anyways.


"I'm home!" I called as I walked into my house, exhausted. It was 6:00 pm, dinner was soon. At least school hasn't started yet. It starts in tomorrow. Ugh. "Okay, Thomas! Dinner is in a half hour! It's pizza tonight!" My mom called.

I run upstairs, plopping down on my bed. I'm about to nap when my phone rings. I look at the contact. Brenda. I answer the call. "Hey, babe." I answered. "Hey Tom. Why didn't you answer my calls. I was worried." She scolds lightly. Brenda wasn't a mean person. She's cool, it's part of why I like her. "I was at work, Bren." I sighed. "Okay. Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow then, 'Kay? Bye!~" She chirped. "Bye, babe." I say, ending the call. I love her, but I just can't get Newt off of my mind.


I hear my Mom call me down for dinner. Huffing a sigh, I walk down the stairs, Newt stuck in my mind as if he was super glue that no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't get rid of him. No, Thomas. Newt is your friend.

He'll only ever be just a friend.

A/N: Hello, reader! I hope you find this first chapter intriguing enough to want to read the next. This is my first fanfic, and constructive criticism is always appreciated! Thank you!


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