Chapter 6

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The next morning, I get up and walk over to my bag. I grab an outfit and walk to the bathroom.

I take a quick shower and get dressed. I flat iron my hair and put on very little make up.

I walk towards my bed and grab my phone. I sit on my bed and scroll through Instagram.

"I told you she was up." I hear. I look up at Loxy and my brother. "What?" I ask and look back at my phone.

"We are all going walk around town. You coming?" Loxy asked before Nash could. "Sure." I said and got up.

"Since when is your belly button pierced?" Nash asks. "Is that a left over taco?" I say. He looks away and I run out the room.

"Idiot." I mumble. I walk over to everyone and stand by Autum. "Hey." I say. "Hey." She says back.

"So, how was your walk around town with Hayes?" I ask. "Good. We walked around for an hour. He asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes." She says.

"Awesome. I swear tho, if he hurts you I'm kicking his ass before Cameron can say his name." I said.

"This is why your my best friend." Autum said and side hugged me. "There was no taco." Nash said to me.

"Well you feel for it sooo." I said. "Are we going or standing here?" Loxy asked.

"Let's go." Jacob said. "Wait, go in partners so it will be harder for fans to spot you all." Bart said.

"I already put you in pairs. Nash and Cameron. Autum and Hayes. Nadia and Matt. Taylor and Carter. Shawn and Aaron. Jack and Jack. Loxy and Jacob." Bart adds.

Really Bart, Really. Why couldn't you put me with Autum or even my brother?

I know what your think. I thought you liked Matt. I do, but I'm ignoring my feelings as usual.

"Hey." Matt says when he walks over. "Hey." I said. "Well let's go." He says. I follow him out and secretly glare at Bart.

"So, what were you like before you went rebellious?" Matt asks. "Let's see, typical good girl, good grades, kind, shy, caring, and I wore glasses." I reply.

"Glasses? No way." He says. "It's true. They were blue and pink. I started to wear contacts and just left them sitting on my desk." I say.

"Still don't believe it." He says. I pull out my phone and look through all of my old pictures and find one of me in my glasses. I showed him the picture.

"Told ya." I say and put my phone away. "I just can't picture you in glasses." He says.

"I just showed you a picture." I say. "Whatever." He says. "So is Sky really your favorite sibling?" He adds.

"Yea she is. I love her to death." I say. "Who's your second favorite?" He asks. "Will and Nash." I say. "So your least favorite is Hayes?" He questions.

"Yes." I say. "I mean he is my twin, soo, I saw him all the time and it got annoying." I add.

"Wow, well why do you call your mom Elizabeth?" He asks. "Because, one day I got really pissed at her and I started calling her Elizabeth. Never called mom again." I explain.

"You just did." He says. "Smartass." I say. He laughs and I decide to ask him a question. "So, how are you and Madison?" I ask.

"We actually broke up before we came here, she just didn't want to do long distance." Matt says.

"I'm sorry to hear." I say and pat his shoulder. "I honestly didn't really like her. I mean she is a nice girl but, just didn't like her in that way." He says.

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