Chapter 21

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Over the next couple of days, Matt has texted me non-stop, I have been going out with the girls by force, and hanging out with my brothers.

Right now though, everyone went out because they think I'm still asleep, so I decided to right my good bye letters to them, because you never know when I could die.


Hey brother. If your reading this, that means I have passed. I want you to know that I will always love you even if you fuck up. I will always watch over you and if you need to talk to someone I'm always there. Just look up at the ceiling and talk. Anyway, I love you Nash. Goodbye.

Love, Nadia


Hey twin. I'm gonna miss you, and I know your gonna miss me. But you can't let that stop you from living your life. I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told Nash. If you ever need someone to talk to. I'm there. Look up at the ceiling and talk to me. I won't answer but I will listen. I love you Hayes. Goodbye.

Love, Nadia.


Hey brother. I'm gonna miss you so much Will. You have always been there for me when I needed to talk to someone. Keep working hard to achieve your goal, which you never told me. Anyway, if you ever want to talk to me, look up and talk. I will listen. I love you Will. Goodbye.

Love, Nadia


Hey Elizabeth. I know me and you fight a lot but that doesn't change anything. I'm still your daughter. In all honesty I'm gonna miss you. I love you Mom. Goodbye.

Love, Nadia


Hey Chad. We never were really close, but I wish we were. You would always joke around with me and make me happy on my bad bad days. I'm gonna miss you. I love you Dad. Goodbye.

Love, Nadia


I'm not sure if you can read this, but I just wanna let you know, I love you. Your my little sister and my prize possession really. As you get older if you ever need to talk to me, look up at the ceiling and talk. I will always listen, just won't answer. I love you Sky. Goodbye.

Love, Nadia


I'm gonna miss you so much! Your practically my sister. Ever since I met you we have been best friends. We never fought over things, and I liked that. You will always be my sister. I love you Sis. Goodbye.

Love, Nadia


Hey Lox. You were also like a sister to me when we first met. Sorry I came of as a bitch. I'm gonna miss you just as much as I'm gonna miss Autum. Stay curly haired. I love you Sis. Goodbye.

Love, Nadia

I wrote all the guys letters and hid them in my drawer. I take a shower and wash my hair. I blow dry and braid my hair. I get dressed and walk downstairs.

I walk to the living room and put on Netflix. Netflix and chill. I put on supernatural and I pull a blanket over my legs.

I feel a small pain in my chest but I ignore it. After a while, the pain starts to hurt more. I pause supernatural and get up slowly. 

I walk to the my bathroom and look in my medicine cabinet. Before I can grab a pill bottle I have to grab the sink counter because my legs give out.

The pain in my chest starts hurting more and more. I crawl out of my bathroom and to my drawer where the letters are. I set the on my bed and lay on the floor.

Slowly everything starts to go black and the last thing I remember in Nash running in pulling me onto his lap as I say, "I love you..."

Everything goes black and my body goes limp in his arms.

Hello guys.

After this chapter will come an Epilouge. This has been the final chapter *Dodges chair thrown by _Lil_Dallas_ *

Stop breaking furniture! Anyway, I will be starts a new book soon so I will let you know when that happens.

Goodbye for now. *Dodges another chair thrown by _Lil_Dallas_ *

I really need to remove the furniture.

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