Dead End

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4:00PM, May 26th, Home, Living room.

I stood up from the red velvet couch chair, keeping myself from crying by cleching my fists, ''No!'' I screamed in frustration, holding back my tears, ''No! I won't go!'' I countinued to shout as if I had a choice.

''You're going and that's final.'' My dad said as if what he was getting me to do was just fine, as if it was a common thing. No, it wasn't.

I felt my face burning with anger, I was so mad, I could feel my heart rate going faster than ever, as if a heart attack was near.

''No, way.. in hell.'' Tears were spilling half-way through this sentence, I felt my mascara run down my light skin along with my tears, my face darkening with each tear.

So he walked away from me, the granite floor thumped loudly as he walked away with his bussiness shoes, he ignored my words and picked up his Galaxy S2 cellphone, calling a client and leaving me hanging.

I silently sobbed into my hands as I realised I was going to a teenager rehabilitation center, I knew I didn't belong there, I wasn't crazy, I knew what I was talking about, yet, my father seemed to think otherwise.

I 'picked up the pieces of my usual ''happy-go-lucky'' personality' and 'glued them together' as I calmed down, In my mind, positive thoughts started flowing instantly and blocking the negative ones. 

When calm, I packed up my things, important stuff, personal, clothing and maintenance, I had a better solution than cry and beg, I decided to just go with the flow and convince him that I wasn't insane, or depressed. 

A small part of me thought ''Maybe it won't be that bad, just keep smiling and do what you love.'' but the majority knew this was the path to suicide.


3:00AM 27th May, Home, Bedroom.

As my Galaxy 3 started blasting Green Day's newest album, I knew it was time to go, the camp was in the middle of nowhere and a train was a must since my father couldn't give a damn about driving me there, the only thing he'd do was drop me off at the station.

I washed my face and got changed, wearing a David&Goliath Tee with a couple of sushi's, one rolling out of the board and across ''That's how I roll!'' was written and worn a pair of light blue skinny jeans, I decided to keep my make-up simple, cover-up, mascara, eyeliner and lip-matching lipstick and simple straightened my pitch black hair and clipped some matching hairpins with tiny diamonds on the end, so my hair looked like the nightsky.

''Melissa.'' My dad called out, sounding calm as always. ''Coming, dad..'' I sighed as a ran downstairs.

I stepped into the cold white-tiled marble floor as I realised I forgot to put on my grey uggs, and quickly threw them on with white socks.

''Fancy..'' I whispered in an slightly obvious way as I eyed the breakfast Marta, our maid cooked us today. She made me a fancy belgium waffle s'more with a strawberry and cream on top, to satisfy my sweet tooth and my dad something that looked a bit like English breakfast.

''Thanks, Marta!'' I happily shouted as I hugged her, ''I'll miss you so much..'' I continued, acting differently than a while ago, my sentence was now very sad..

''I'll miss you too..'' She whispered in my hear and hugged me back, she then winked at me, it was our little secret.

My dad was never close to me, except when my mother was alive, we were a happy average family, that is, until mother died, and when that happened, everything went downhill, since I witnessed her death, I became depressed, and developed insomnia, I stopped being able to take insults and jokes, and often had nervous breakdowns, but my dad became a work-a-holic and also depressed, soon  enough our bond was gone, and he always thought witnessing my mother's death made me insane, It didn't, it just made me empty.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2013 ⏰

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