number one.

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some random story excerpt that i somehow came up with at the top of my head bc i felt like writing something.


she looked at him with eyes laced with a deep emotion he could not distinguish. his own orbs connected with her green ones and refused to break the gaze. thoughts, ideas, raced through his mind as he desperately tried to solve the mystery that was her. for weeks, it had been like this. her, in silence as usual, and him attempting with all his might to somehow read her thoughts. but everyone knows that isn't possible. ever since her father passed, she had been mute. not a single peep ever left her soft lips. and thinking about that mouth brought back memories from sophomore year when the two shared an awkward kiss. it had been both of their firsts. but ever since then he never had been able to get those lips out of his mind. and he wanted to fix her now that she needed it.

if only she'd let him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2015 ⏰

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