Chapter 1.

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"My name is Orianna Nadia O'Brian. Daughter of Beta's Bruce and Evelyn.

My father in my eyes is one of the greatest warrior wolves there is.

Before I was born 16 years ago, the nearby pack "Blue Moon" called for help.

My father and 23 other wolfs went to help.

This battle was against the rogue pack. The rogue pack unfortunately killed most of the Blue Moon pack before my pack the Full Moon came to help.

When my father returned. Only 5 others returned with him, including Alpha.

This war between the Blue Moon pack and the Rogue pack is now called the "Golden War".

Full Moon pack is the strongest and toughest pack in the area now, since the fall of the Blue Moon pack."

"Well that's the basic information" I thought to myself as I wrote in my journal.

Right now my packs planning a big celebration for Alphas son, Mason.

At the age of 18 each Alphas son is sent off to train for 2 years. This helps prepare them for the Alpha life. So tomorrow is when my pack sends off Alphas son, Mason.

Another big event that is happening, is tomorrow each Alpha of each pack in area are coming back from a week long meeting. This meeting is very important to all packs.

A prophecy states that the goddess herself is bringing the blue moon back. I am not meaning the pack of wolves that died 16 years ago, but the moon in the sky.

Legend said that once the golden caramel wolves died in battle that the goddess decided to not show a blue moon. But for some strange reason now she may be bringing it back.

This IS a big deal!

Everyone knew that the Blue Moon pack was the goddess favourite pack, because the pack was a gift to all of us from her. That's why each pack member had a special power.

The reason why I know a lot of legends and stories is because we are all taught about the golden war in school, as well my mother would tell me them.


I always have questions flowing through out my mind about; who the mysterious survivor is? Why is she still hiding? After 16 years? Who is her 'dark knight' ? And... Why is the goddess bringing back the blue moon?

I can't wait to know why the goddess herself is bringing the Blue Moon back!

First chapter of <Once in a Blue Moon>

I know it's short, but I promise the chapter will be getting longer.

Posting next chapter soon!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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