Chapter 1: Identification numbers

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Ring ring ring
President Daniel Austins phone buzzed non-stop.
Ring ring ring
Finally he had enough of the buzzing and answered it.

"What?" He snapped into the speaker. He only gave his cell phone number to his family and his assistant, unless it was a special situation, like the one now.

"Yes president Austin? Your clone is ready in the lab." A female voice answered. President Austin stood up straighter, a rush of excitement washed through him.

"Great! I expect her to be healthy and well taken care of by the time my wife and I can make it down there, correct?"

"Of course mr president. What would you like to name her? It helps us keep track of her while she's in the institution." The woman explained. President Austins face fell, he had not even thought of a name.

"When was she born?" Austin asked.

"12 am this morning." The woman replied.

"Hmm.. 12 am on January first... Name her January." President Austin said with a sly smile. Yes January would be a fine name, not that he would need to remember it.

"Yes sir. Your appointment with the doctor is tomorrow at 9am." The woman said professionally.

"Wonderful. And I expect you will keep this confidential am I right?" President Austin raised his eyebrow.

"Of course." She agreed.

"Fantastic! See you tomorrow, bye." He hung up the phone feeling very satisfied with himself.

"Was that the institution?" President Austins wife, Zara, asked as she poked her head around the door.

"It was indeed. Daria's clone is ready, we have an appointment to go see her and makes sure she is what we want tomorrow." He said. Zara squealed with joy.

"I am so happy!" She clapped her hands together, a smile spread from ear to ear.
"What is the name of your clone?" The dark haired receptionist asked at the front desk of the doctors office.

"January." President Austin replied, looking over at his wife.

"You named it January?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

"The name of the clone doesn't matter." He muttered.

"I guess not." Zara agreed.

"Felicity will be right with you, she is getting the clone ready." The woman smiled down at them. The couple sat down in the waiting room across from the front desk. The room smelled of old spice and the walls were painted a dirt brown colour.

"President Austin, she is ready for you now." A pretty curly blonde haired woman said, standing in the front of a swinging door.

"Hello Dr. Rayne." President Austin smiled politely.

"How're you today Mr.President?" She smiled kindly at him.

"Wonderful thank you, now where is this beautiful work of art?"

"Right this way sir." She said as she walked through the doors. The president and his wife followed her with excitement. "I must inform you now though, cloning is still very new to this world and we still aren't sure what some of the drawbacks are with using it. I'm not 100% certain that your daughters clone will be perfectly healthy which may cause problems in the future when your daughter needs to harvest an organ. However we can minimize the risk of an unhealthy clone by sending her to a very high class instition."  Dr.Rayne said. The president and his wife ignored her. The doctor led them into a small room with an even smaller stone table in the middle of the room. On top of the table lay a tiny baby, asleep. Zara gasped as soon as she saw the baby. .

"They look so much alike.. If I didn't know any better I would say that it is Daria." She said as she came closer to the child.

"She has been heavily medicated to stay asleep so you could get a very peaceful view of her." The doctor explained.

"So she's not.. Human? I mean she doesn't possess human qualities?" Zara asked. The doctor took a long time to reply.

"As far as we know, she does not possess any ability to feel compassion or any emotions at all for that matter. She is simply a mass of your daughters DNA. This however is not proven. We try to keep all clones sedated or isolated until it is time for them to be harvested." The doctor said flatly. "We also have a few options. To ensure that she remains with no memories nor emotions we can keep her sedated until she is needed for harvesting organs, however this will cost a bit extra. We can also keep her isolated with many other clones away from all of society. This way her and the other clones live a somewhat normal life without learning the skills as a real human being." The doctor explained.

"I think we should sedate it. I don't want this thing to cause any trouble. Keeping it sedated sounds best whether it's human or not." Zara said.

"How much extra are we talking?" President Austin asked.

"About an extra quarter million to the grand total." The doctor said softly.

"If it makes my wife happy then that is what we will do. Sedate the thing." President Austin agreed.

"Daria is guaranteed a healthy full life now, January is a perfect clone. I'm so happy we decided to do this." Zara said happily.

"Yes dear so am I. Why don't you go wait in the limo while I finish signing paper work for this." He suggested. Zara nodded and headed off towards the front. President Austin turned toward the doctor.

"Hold off on the sedating. My budget cannot afford this and I already have to explain where the missing funds went. The thing will be fine without it, put it in a nice institution that will keep it happy until it is needed for harvesting." President Austin requested.

"Of course." The doctor nodded.

"Also.. Do not mention this to my wife." He said.

"As you wish."

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