Chapter 3: Game Plan

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The time seemed to go by slowly for January, she had never had something exciting happen. Everyday was always the same for her, she would wake up, eat, socialize and sleep. There was never anything to talk about, never any gossip or fun action to be apart of. The clock seemed to tick by painfully slow and when it was finally time to go meet them, January could hardly contain herself. She rushed towards the handicap bathroom. This was about to be the best recreation time she had ever had in her entire life. She got there and immediately tried to open the door, but it was locked. She jiggled the knob, and sighed in frustration before she heard a voice from the other side of the door.

"Who is it?"

"January." She called back to the voice. She heard the door unlock and soon she saw Charlottes face, she was pulled in quickly before the door slammed shut and was locked once again. She looked around the room. Zack was sitting on the counter by the sink, Ben was leaning against the wall by the toilet, Tyler was sitting on the floor by the door and Charlotte stood beside January.

"Good, now that everyone's here we can continue." Tyler said.

"Right. So as we were saying before, we have a game plan, but before we can let you in on that plan we need you to promise something." Charlotte said.

"Anything." Zack chirped, obviously just as happy as January was that they had something exciting happening for once.

"Promise that you can keep this a secret." Charlottes voice was filled with hope.

"Of course. Who would we tell anyways?" January pointed out. They were stuck in their cells most of the day and when they weren't, Zack and January were joined to the hip.

"Right... So we were telling you about the outside world. The one where everyone is free to do as they please whenever they want. We want to join this world." Charlotte explained. "The way we are being treated here is not normal."

"How do you even know about this world? How come we aren't aloud to be in it? It just doesn't make sense." Zack said skeptically. Tyler sighed.

"Here's the thing. We used to be just like the two of you, naive and clueless. That nurse, Samantha you guys have probably noticed that she's much different than the other nurses, she's kind and treats us like human beings. She's helped us out a ton. She told us everything and she's completely on our side. She told us that the institute does not think that we're human, and that we are being separated from society because we are different. She explained everything to us and said the only reason she still works at a place like this is to make sure we get treated fairly. She says that she goes home and does not sleep in a cell, she gets to eat snacks at midnight and go out with her friends whenever she wants. I want to live the same life as her, which is why we are planning to escape." The determination on charlottes face was fearless.

"Escape?! Why would we do that?!" Zack sounded anxious.

"Weren't you listening dummy!? Why would you want to stay here in a stupid cell when we could be free?!" Tyler snapped.

"Don't talk so rudely to him." January snapped back at Tyler. Zack shot January and thankful smile.

"Why would anyone go through so much trouble to keep us locked away this just doesn't make any sense to me..." January trailed off.

"Okay this is the scary part." Charlotte said calmly. "Samantha told us that we are clones, which in the governments eyes are not human. We are duplicates of some other human, meaning that there is someone else out there that looks exactly like us but they are living in the free world, not this institution. We were born for 1 purpose only, to die for the person who's genes we share. As soon as one of their organs fail or if they need a limb or anything, they get ours." Charlottes voice got dark. January felt her stomach drop in fear and suddenly she felt sick.

"Wait what... This can't be true... What kind of monster would create a human for the sole purpose of having... Spare parts?" January choked out the last two words. She felt sick, she didn't want to believe it.

"You'd be surprised what someone would do for immortality." Ben said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well how can we stop it? I don't want this to be the way I live, I don't want to have to give my body parts up to some stranger just because we share genes..." January felt tears form in her eyes as her anxiety grew.

"That's why we want to escape." Tyler said.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Zack asked.

"Samantha is willing to help us. We have a plan set up, the only thing we need to do is wait for the right time. This Saturday the east field gaurd is on his lunch break during our recreation time. Its a fluke in the system, theres nobody else gaurding that side of the field. I guess the facility thinks that we're all too stupid to even think of running away. So anyways, Samantha has a key into the camera room, she is going to sneak in there and disable the camera that looks over the east field. Samantha has given Ben a knife, he'll cut a hole in the fence large enough for all of us to fit through. Then we run." Charlotte explained. 

"Where exactly do we run to?" Zack asked.

"Samantha told us to run to the forest, that way nobody can see us, shes going to have some of her friends meet us out there and they'll take us some place safe." Ben explained. 

"Will we be safe?" January asked cautiously.

"More safe than we would be if we were to stay here." Tyler pointed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2015 ⏰

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