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Owen's p.o.v

My eyes snapped back and forth as I watched the white beach ball bounce back and forth over the net. Their smiles were wide as they desperately tried to keep the ball from not falling onto the sand.

Tyler was playing with them, but then quit, and pulled me to the fire pit. We started putting more wood into it before sitting on one of the many chairs. His arm was thrown over the back of my chair, gently massaging my right shoulder as he stared ahead at the wood.

I felt self conscious around him since the incident in the back of the Jeep a couple hours ago. I was uncomfortable too; of course not in a bad way. I liked it when he touched me, he had proof of that when I... you know. It was just the fact that my body wasn't normal.

I had unattractive scars everywhere. It was embarrassing. I couldn't even take off my shirt because of how my chest looked, and it was sad because it was so hot, and I was suffering.

Tyler squeezed my shoulder, smiling when he got my attention. He unwrapped his arm from my shoulder, and stood, holding his hands out for me to take. Nodding, I allowed him to help me stand before dragging me out to the sand with a towel tucked under his arm.

He stopped under a leafy tree, laying the towel out onto the sand before laying down on it, patting his lap, as if he expected me to just sit on him.

I shook my head nervously, shyly pulling on my thumb as I watched him frown before sitting up, and grabbing my waist. Tyler jerked me forward, making me stumble, and ultimately fall onto him. I landed between his legs, with one of my arms trapped between our bodies, while the other was scrambling to push myself up, but Tyler had none of it.

Instead, he flipped our position so I was sprawled out underneath him, and he sat on his knees between my legs. He leaned over quickly, pressing a kiss to my nose before grabbing my hands in his. Tyler held them for a while, poking my palm or tracing blind designs.

It was relaxing to say the least, but I soon grew tired of the sun, and made my way to our tent, which was a bit further from everybody elses, with Tyler walking beside me. I reached down, opening the tent, and quickly crawling inside, followed by Tyler, who shut the door, put unzipped another zipper which let a portion of the door fall down to reveal a small screen which let some wind into the space.

I laid my head down on a folded blanket watching as Tyler grabbed my foot, and pushed up the legs of my sweat pants showing my lightly bruised ankles.

He looked up at me with a frown, and I just nodded my head, giving him a thumbs up to let him know I was okay. They didnt even hurt that much; infact if he hadn't pointed them out, I would have forgotten about them in no time.

Setting my ankle down, Tyler tossed a couple things around before unfolding a blanket to put on the floor of the tent, ushering me up so he could spread it across the tent before throwing two pillows where I was laying previously.

Pursing my lips, I moved back towards them, and laid down. Slidng on hand other, and allowing my free hand to caress the blanket under me.

It smelled like Tyler, and his scent drove me insane.

I couldnt wait till later when he gave the other blanket so I could be wrapped in it fully.

A couple short minutes later, my eyes drifted shut, and I fell asleep.

It only felt like minutes later when I was being shaken awake.

Tyler rubbed my back soothingly trying to calm me down when I jolted awake, trying to push his hands off me in quick movements, only to catch them quickly, and pull me to his chest. He was probably mumbling things to me, but I couldnt hear; that didnt stop him, though.

After a couple minutes, he pulled away with a worried look on his face.

"Time for supper," he mouthed to me.

I nodded, following behind him when he climbed out of the tent, watching as he leaned back down to zip it up to keep random flying insects out of our sleeping space.

Grabbing my hand, Tyler lead me towards the others, motioning for me to take a seat in one of the chairs as he walked towards Joe to get a weiner roaster, and two hotdogs before coming back towards me.

The smoke from the fire billowed into the air, occassionally blowing my way, sending the deep smokey scent up my nostrils.

Over the lake, the sun was setting, sending waves of a peachy color across the sky, that soon mixed with a darker blue. On the other side of the sky, the moon sat in a crescent, shining brightly despite being in the precense of the sun.

Despite being surrounded by everybody it felt peaceful. The warm glow from the fire with everybody sitting around me, smiling, laughing, and probably drinking was rather comforting. I didn't feel out of place despite not being able to hear.

When a steaming hotdog was place in front of me tucked into a bun with a generous amount of ketchup squirted over it, I looked over at Tyler with a smile of thanks before digging in; every once in a while offering a smile to anybody I would meet gazes with.

I devoured the hotdog which was followed by five burnt marshmellows, and a couple smores which I practically threw in my mouth as soon as I was given them chasing them down with a can of pop.

I missed this; camping; being surrounded by people without having to worry about them going behind my back, and hurting me. I trusted Tyler. I trust Jackie, Tamarah, Ben, the twins, and even Joe.

Licking my lips, I looked around the fire before fidgiting as my bladder tickled. I poked Tyler's arm, gaining his attention right away. I mouthed to him that I had to use the washroom, and in seconds he grabbed my hand, probably telling everybody we would be right back before pulling me towards the beach to where the outhouse was located.

When I finished relieving myself, Tyler went after before taknig off running, leaving me to chase after him. When we made it back, everybody was slowly starting to depart to their tents, leaving Auden, and Ben alone to sit around the fire.

I waved them goodnight before pushing past Tyler, and booting it to our tent. It took me a while to unzip the door, but when I did, I dived into the small space, moving aside just in time to miss getting crushed by Tyler as he flew in after me.

He worked on getting the door zipped shut, while I searched around for the smal flashlight I had shoved in the bottom of my bag at my house.

When I turned it on, I watched curiously as Tyler began to undress. He pulled off the t-shirt he was wearing, replacing it with a thin long sleeved one before moving to his dried swimming shorts. He pulled them off in one go, looking over his shoulder at me with a sly smile.

He left his bottom half bare, except for a pair of briefs before grabbing the light from me, turning it off, and pulling me to his chest, wrapping us up in the blankets.

We laid absolutely still for a while before I shifted so I could turn in his arms, and look up at his dark eyes.

He glared at me playfully, before nudging my nose with his own gently. He smiled down at me, wasting no time to dip down and press our lips together.

Tyler's lingered on mine for a short moment until I relaxed, and tentively moved my lips against his, which set him off.

We laid there for a while, kissing slowly before I decided to poke my tongue against his lips, to which lead him to quickly snatch it between his teeth. It felt weird, to say the least, but at the same time my body reacted to it, in a rather embarrassing way.

Placing my hand on Tyler's chest, I pushed away, supporting myself with my left elbow, taking deep breaths in to try and calm myself down.

He was talented.

My lips tingled, as well as my throat, which had me realising I made some sort of sound. To my relief, Tyler was just looking at me rather impressed, with a sexy smirk covering his delicious lips. I slightly envied him for being able to smirk, rather than flustered, but oh my good God he could do wonders with that mouth.

Licking my lips to taste him once more. I slumped back down, rolling on my side so my back was to him.

I needed to calm myself down.

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