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Tyler's p.o.v

"Here." I looked to the side, my eyes following Ben as he walked up to me, and handed me a plastic bag. "Don't look at me like that. I told my mom you've been staying here, so she thought she would make you dinner because the cafeteria food at hospitals are shit."

I snorted, taking the bag from him. "Thanks."

He nodded, taking the sweat on the other side of the bed near the window. "So what did they say today?"

I shrugged. "A couple more days. All they told me was they've put him on enough meds to last through the next bag of blood he'll be getting later today, and after that it'll be his body's choice to wake up or not."

"Not too bad. Will give him some time to heal the physical wounds." Ben frowned, his eyes pulling away from Owen's resting face to me. "You look like you haven't showered in a couple days."

Rolling my eyes, I dug through the bag, picking out bag of grapes. "Shut up," I replied. "There is more important things to do than shower. I have to stay here. If he wakes up he won't like being alone."

"And he won't like being in the presence of someone who smells worse than a bum."

"It's only been two days."

"Yeah," he scoffed. "Two days too long."

"Listen," I started before getting silenced when Ms. Randy stepped into the room.

"Both of you better stop right now. Tyler, Ben is right. Its not healthy for you to be eating as little as you are after just donating blood, and not showering. Go clean yourself off. Go eat, and by the time you get back you'll still have plenty of visiting hours," she said. Adjusting her strap on her shoulder. I opened my mouth to object, but she shook her head, and held out her keys. "Here. I still don't forgive you for what you did to my son, but I'll be damned if anybody else is put in the hospital under my watch. Don't you dare start crying either because I'm wearing make-up today."

I offered a laugh, blinking back my tears before standing with the lunch Ben brought. "Alright... I'll be back in a couple." I took the keys Ms. Randy held out, tucking them into my pocket before pausing at the door. "If anything happens call."

She nodded, offering me a smile before walking to the seat I was once occupying. I left the room then, making my way down the hospital corridor I didn't let my eyes wander. I unlocked my Jeep, sliding in the drivers seat, and starting the car before pulling out of the space.

It was a short, and silent ride as I pulled up to Owen's house suddenly the keys in my pocket felt heavy just like my heart.

My mind clouded with doubt, and at first I didn't even want to put the vehicle in park, let alone take the keys out of the ignition, and go inside, but Ms. Randy's voice kept echoing in my head, and before I knew it, I grabbed the bag from the passenger's seat, and made my way up the steps.

I slid the gold key into the maroon coloured door before pushing it open.

It was absolutely silent which would have worried me in any other circumstance. Usually when I came over whether or not Ms. Randy was home, Owen would always have the TV blasted. Of course he couldn't hear it, so I didn't bother mentioning it, but still. It was something I got used to.

I flipped the lock shut, sliding off my shoes, and slowly walking through the entrance to the kitchen where I placed the bag of food on the counter.

There was a couple dirty dishes sitting in the sink, which I noted to load into the dishwasher after I finished showering. It wasn't much, but it was the least I could do to help Ms. Randy out especially now.

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