8. The Concert and a Bonfire!

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"Are you ready?" Teya asked, slipping on her shoes.

"Hell yeah." I said, putting in my sunglasses and slipping on my sandals. Teya quickly grabbed her sunglasses and we walked out of the room, coming face to face with a note.

'Go to the Roger's Centre, we had to go. Meet us back stage ~ Cameron and Shawn' it read.

"Okay, let's go." I said as Teya and I took the elevator down to the lobby. We walked around the front desk and out the door, to my Jeep. I slid myself into the drivers seat, and Teya got into the passengers seat.

I drove to the Rogers Centre, and we got in, showing the security guard our VIP tickets. He let us go back stage, and there we heard Shawn singing Never Be Alone, and saw Cameron. We waved to Cameron and we walked over to him and Shawn looked over at us to see if we were here, and his face lit up.

He waved as he sang, probably looking weird to the crowd.

After Shawn finished the song, he started talking to his fans.

"Okay guys, so today I met some pretty awesome people, and their actually backstage right now." He said, waving for Teya, Cameron and I to go on stage. We walked onto the stage and stoff beside Shawn.

"This is Eleanor" he said pointing to me. "And this is Teya." He said pointing to Teya. People in the crown waved, and took pictures with their phones.

Music started playing, the beginning of my favorite song on the album, Strings. Shawn began singing.

"All the strings attached, girl. All the strings attached, girl, yeah. I meet this girl, we were three years old, we were holding hands, tight so I'm tolkd, and it felt like an eternity, said it felt like an eternity, 'cause I new back then we were more than friends two sided story, it all depends, and I'll say it once, and ill say it again, and it'll only end up hurting me.

Years flew by, I was less than twelve, long division, I need your help, can you come oin over and work with me, any time you like, I'll make it work for me, cause I new back then if we get too close, when the time was right, maybe I'd purpose, baby climb on up show me the ropes" Shawn sand, then got us to join in.

"Darlin' I want all the strings attached, I love it when you look at me like that. And you're the only girl that brings me back, cause baby I'm want all the strings attached. It's like always and forever, I won't let a moment pass, and when I'm with you I feel better, I want all the strings, all the strings attached" I said with them, but I had my eyes closed.

I opened them and I stopped, and I realized I sand most if that verse by myself, and everyone was staring at me wide-eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"Eleanor I've never heard you sing like that, I've heard you sing but not like that, that was incredible!" Teya said.

"It was?" I replied, blushing. Tons of people in the crowd nodded their heads and Shawn and Cameron agreed.

"Well then. This is kinda embarrassing." I blushed, laughing.

We all laughed on the stage, and finished the song. Then we sang Life of the Party, Stitches, Aftertaste, Believe, Imagination, Something Big, Crazy, I Don't Even Know Your Name, Don't Want Your Love, Lost, Air, A Little Too Much, and The Weight.

Once we were done, it was 9:25 and we left the parking lot, stopping at a Montana's for dinner. I got a ceaser salad and some fries, Teya got a hamburger and colsla, Shawn got a hamburger and fries, and so did Cameron. We sat in a booth, me beside Teya and across from Shawn, and Teya beside me across from Cameron.

We are out meals and chatted about the concert, and what we would do.

"We should have a bonfire!" I says, eating another bit of my salad.

Shawn and Cameron looked at each other and nodded.

"Where would we have it?" Teya asked.

"Trust me. We know a place. And bring your bathing suits." Shawn said.

We all finished dinner, and Shawn payed. Although I gave him 10 dollars for my salad and fries.

I drove us back to the hotel and Teya and I got changed into our bathing suits, and I put on my "Exercise Extra Fries" sweater and brought a bag with my bra, underwear and pant, and some deoderant. Teya brought a bag too, I just don't know what was in it.

We walked out of our room and saw Shawn and Cameron, both in their swim trunks and a hoodie.

"You've been driving all night, I'll drive now." Shawn said as I got out my keys. I gave Shawn my keys and we started walking towards the elevator. We got in and went down to the lobby, and then walked out and to my jeep. Shawn went around and into the drivers seat, I got in the passengers seat, and Cameron was behind me, Teya behind Shawn.

Shawn drive to a place in Toronto that I've never been, and he went down a dirt road. The road stopped and he cut the ignition in the car, and we all got out. I got my keyts, and I locked the car as I went and stood with Shawn.

All we could see was trees. And suddenly Teya and I were pulled in between the trees by Cameron and Shawn. Soon the trees parted, and a big pond and a fireplace came into view.

"This is awesome." I said in awe.

"I used to come here all the time when I was a kid, and I brought everyone in Magcon here." Shawn said.

"This is so cool." Teya exclaimed.

"What do you guys wanna do first? Bonfire or swim?" Cameron asked.

"Well why don't we go swimming first, so then after we can come warm up by the fire?" I said, laying down a blanket near the bonfire. I layed one down on the side Shawn and I would be sitting on, and Teya layed one down on the side her and Cameron were using.

I set down my bag on the blanket and striped off my bpsweater to reveal my Mint bathing suit, and Teya striped off her shirt to reveal her black and white bathing suit. (We have the same bathing suits and towels from earlier that day.)

I jumped into the dark pond water, and when I came up I heard a splash behind me.

I turned around and saw Teya, and then Shawn and Cameron jumped in. We were having a splash fight, which turned into a "Who can throw Teya or Eleanor farther" competition, Cameron won.

By the time we got out of the pond, it was 11:45, and we all dried off and sat around the fire Shawn made.

"Where did you get the lighter?" I asked him, curious.

"I grabbed it out of our room before we came here, why?" He asked.

"Just curious." After I dried off I put on my "Excersice Extra Fries" sweater over me bathing suit and layed down looking at the stars. Teya did the same, but only put her shirt on. The order it was, if you looked from a birdseye view, Shawn on the far left, then me next to him, then in between Teya and I the bonfire and after Teya there was Cameron.

We were all looking at the stars in the dark, listening to the bonfire crackle as we layed on the blankets. Suddenly it got really dark, and I drifted off to sleep.

Author's note!
Woo hoo!!! Two updates!!! I'm so proud!! Just kidding, I'll do more. But, basically the only reason I made 2 is because I was bored all night, I didn't fall asleep and if I cal last until 12:00, than that meant I haven't slept for 24 hours! I don't know why I'm excited. But, make sure to comment your thoughts, and vote if you like it! Also if you follow, you can just dm me or post on my wall if you want me to follow you back, later Lovelies!

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