Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Family History

Tooty heard voices and looked up from the computer screen to see Monica and Mrs. Brightman enter Miles' office. She pasted on a smile. However, knowing that she was leaving New York the next day made her happy, so her smile turned into a genuine one.

"Hello Tooty," said Monica with fake enthusiasm. Mrs. Brightman gave her a stiff nod.

"Good morning, Monica, Mrs. Brightman."

Monica continued, "We'd like you to join us for lunch today."

"Oh, thank you, but really I can't. I need to finish–"

"We're not taking no for an answer. We insist. In fact, we've already talked to Myrna and she's more than willing to watch Harris. You're leaving tomorrow and we haven't spent time with you. We'll be waiting  in the limo for you at noon."

Mrs. Brightman agreed, "Yes, we insist. Besides, Miles would want us to have a girls' day out, and you'll get to meet his sister, Cecelia. Oh, and you should probably wear a dress. The one you wore the other night would be fine."

Before Tooty could voice another objection, the women forced more fake smiles and said a hasty goodbye. Tooty wondered if she should develop a headache. The ladies obviously didn't like her so why had they invited her to lunch? She sighed and decided to join them out of respect for Miles.

Shortly before noon she changed her clothes and walked to the kitchen to kiss Harris goodbye. Myrna was setting a bowl of macaroni and cheese in front of him and Tooty longed to join them. The food looked and smelled delicious, and she would have enjoyed chatting with Myrna. Sighing, she kissed her little guy, clutched her purse, and headed toward the elevator. She wondered what lunch would cost. She had a whopping fifty-six dollars and eleven cents.

A few minutes before twelve, she walked past the glass door held open by the doorman and into bright sunlight. Scanning the curb, she caught sight of Harvey standing beside Miles' limousine. He waved and she rushed toward him. He opened the door and she ducked inside.

Uh oh.

Monica, dressed in a beautiful two piece beige suit that was cut so as to bring attention to the swell of her breasts, with a red silk scarf draped around her neck, looked like an ad for a magazine that could be titled, Successful! Beautiful Me! Mrs. Brightman personified the same look, only in an older version, in her striking black suit and beige silk blouse.

Tooty grimaced as she smoothed her hand down her cotton shirt dress with its dainty yellow flowers and matching plastic belt. She wanted to leap from the car and change her clothes, except what would she change into, her best pair of Levis?

Monica patted Tooty's knee. "You look lovely. We're going to have such a nice time getting to know you."

Harvey pulled the vehicle smoothly into traffic and Tooty dug her fingernails into her palms. She had a feeling Monica and Mrs. Brightman had done this on purpose and she could only wonder why.

After a start-and-stop drive through traffic, Harvey pulled to the front of a posh restaurant and opened the limo door for them. Monica and Mrs. Brightman exited and Tooty followed. Just as she stepped forward, Harvey touched her elbow and whispered, "You look lovely."

His sweet words—meant to encourage—did just that. She lifted her head and followed her hostesses. Inside, they were met by the maitre d' and shown to a lovely table in an outdoor garden. Tooty was surprised to see Miles at the table with a woman dressed rather casually, considering the attire of Monica and his mother. She noted the surprised expression on his face when he saw her. He didn't know I was coming.

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