1. A Destructive Death & The Awaking

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Okie so this is a bit short,
but I am planning on writing
more in the second part. Hope
you like it, if you do, soon will
I turn you into Liayden trash.

Liam leaned closer, his lips pressed against the brunette's cheek as his eyes turned to a shade of red, not like Scott's, that one your eyes are painted with when you are in devastating pain, when your eyes are filled with tears. He didn't want to hold the bitter teardrops back, otherwise he would've drowned inside.

Watching Parrish taking her body in his hands and knowing she would join the rest of the dead chimeras, the failures, made his heart beat faster and faster, it could simply explode. As they walked away, Liam felt as though a piece of his heart was ripped off his chest, Hayden would carry it until they met again in death. That was, at least, what Liam believed. Little did he know that they would meet again, face to face, in life.

( time skip => later that night )

Theo placed Lydia's unconscious body on the ground so that she would watch as he gave life to each and every one of the chimeras that were supposed to live no longer. Tracy woke up suddenly, Lucas, Corey, Hayden and the rest following.

"What's happening?" Asked Hayden clueless as to what the hell was next. She wasn't sure what to expect anymore. After Theo announced that they all belonged to him, it was like an order given by her brain to begin following her ... 'Alpha'? The girl noticed that the rest of her mercury-faced pack was doing the exact same thing as her.

( time skip => next morning )

It was about time Liam woke up to go to school, but he really just couldn't, though was forced by his step-father.

"There's no point in going anymore, I just want to stay home. Just for today. Please." The young boy pouted, a frown appearing across his face, trying his best to sound and seem convincing enough, but he wasn't.

Entering his first class, he barely paid attention, his gaze was locked beside him, where Hayden used to sit.

"DUNBAR." A high pitched voice shouted, but his professor received no reply at all, only an irritable look of disgust. "Liam, are you serious? You must, at least, respect me and show me that you acknowledge the fact that you are in a classroom. When a teacher asks you something, you must speak."

It was all nonesense to him, he couldn't take it anymore. The boy's hands hitting his desk roughly, his lips pressed together as anger took control over his body. "SHUT. UP." He growled, grabbing his bag, pushing away whoever tried to get in his way and shut the door behind him with an awful lot of force.

"Liam." A muttering voice whispered. He shook his head, raisig it to see who was there to annoy him, not even realising who's voice this was. Dark brown curls fell from a girl's shoulder, her eyes set him on fire, it was her, Hayden Romero was standing right in front of him.

His eyes widened, thinking that he was officially going mad, but how could he be mistaken? It was HER. "H-Hayden? Wh-" Before he could ask the rest of the typical questions; how, why, her finger was pressed to his mouth as she hissed 'Shh'.

Offering him her hand, she led the way to the parking lot of the school, where no one seemed to be around. She didn't let him say anything, a laugh escaped the girl's lips as a gentle, yet slightly evil smirk formed her lips. Liam was, for sure, more confused than ever; what was she laughing at? what was all that funny?

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