I missed you

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*jodi on the plane back to School*

( She reccives a text from Caleb)

*Phone Vibrate*

Jodi: It's from caleb :)

" I wrote your name in the sky , the wind blew it away"

" I wrote your name in the sand the sea washed it away"

" I wrote your name in my Heart and forever it will stay "

"i miss you jodi  <3"

*jodi starts Crying*

Jodi's POV : If only caleb knew how great he is in my time of need.

(plane lands)

Narrator: Jodi has nobody waiting for her at the airport and she is crying and has no-one to talk to she she gets a taxi back to school.

*back at school*

*Caleb sees jodi and smiles*

Caleb : whats the matter?

Jodi : i loved your text so much but i have some bad news *starts to break down even more* my dad had a heart attack , and is in a coma.

Caleb: OMG jodi i'm so sorry  (kisses)

*walks to the stairs where they first kissed*

Jodi : remember our first kiss ; it was perfect

Caleb: Yeah how could i ever forget, your beautiful face.

Jodi: awww you always know what to say (starts making out)

Narrator: Jodi and Caleb are definetly making up and i'm pretty sure jodi visiting her dad made her feel better and caleb know exactly what will make jodi feel better.

Author's note: Personally i don't think this is my best chapter but i am really suffering from writers block :(  anyway i'll try my best.

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