Fuel to the fire

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 She did all she could do. She ran and hid and fought. These men in gold armor were chasing her and she didn't exactly know how to deal with them. Her dark brown leather military like boots clashing with the rubble around her. She was losing her breath as she scaled some abandoned building s wall, trying to escape.

The young woman turned to see her attackers and held her hand up, doing her best to get control of her powers and fight back, but their weapon was quicker. she felt something sharp dart into the side of her neck and she fell to the ground from the top of the story she'd scaled. er vision blurred as she collided with the ground, feeling herself being lifted and them attempt to tie her wrists and ankles. 

"no," she muttered weakly as she threw kicks and punches wobbily. She refused to be detained.

Her words and protests were in vain as the world blackened around her.


Loki sat on the small couch in his cell, still a tad shaky from the testing. he'd fully awoken just moments ago and wasn't too keen on the fact that his brother had seen everything that happened in there. He was still weak from the experience, unable to stand for too long and having to stop to catch his breath if he moved too fast. 

The vision around him was a bit blurred but it wasn't too bad. He was able to focus on the sight of guards carrying some girl who was conked out and chunking her body inellegently into the cell next to him. The glass on that side of his cell was clean enough to show her body being picked up and set on the couch that was placed in her cell by a nicer guard. 

He raised an eyebrow and stared at her intently. She seemed mortal, with her leather boots and zip up vest. she wore black pants that seemed to be made of a thick material, and was tucked into her midgardian military style boots. The vest she wore wasn't leather, but sturdy looking. she was scraped up pretty bad and has bruises lining her left side. Most likely a fall.

He ignored the girl for a while, pretending to read a book he was really just staring at. He heard rustling and a soft groan to his left where the girl was. He ignored it until he heard a tapping on the glass. He looked up with a raised eyebrow at her as she took her hand away from the glass and looked at him, tucking her long reddish, blondish, brownish hair behind her ear.

she swallowed and licked her lips before clearing her throat and speaking, "mind telling me where I am?" she asked with as much sternness as she could.  

"Asgard" he answered simply.

she nodded, 'fair enough. happen to know why the hell they locked me in here?" she inquired.

"It's a prison, how should I know?" he retorted, already tired of the conversation. He didn't have the patients to talk to mortals, they annoyed him.

"a prison? oh great..." she sat on the ground, pulling one knee towards her and leaning her uninjured soldier against the glass, 'what are you locked up for then slick?" she asked, not looking at him.

He ignored her, only glared a bit, which unfazed her. She just sighed and shook her head. She stood and paced, keeping her fidgety hands at her sides until the sound of someone coming own the stairs broke her concentration and she snapped her head up. 

Thor trotted down the stairs, hammer in hand and cape swooshing behind him as he strode and stood in front of her cell, "hello, I am Thor of Asgard, son of Odin. I am sorry for the inconvenience and mistreatment. You were sought out and brought her by request of the Allfather. You will be serving us in the manner of what we believe is an important military advancement task," he stated all with a small smile.

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