Seeking Redemption

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     Sitting in dungeons wasn't Loki's particular idea of fun. His life was reading, sitting, pacing, more sitting, and more reading. He missed the fun of renegade missions, and the heartful joy of coming home from a glorious battle to parties and celebratory feasts. Who wouldn't? As a god of mischief, trouble was always welcome.

     The days got longer, turning into weeks, which formed months, which came close to wasting away in this annoyingly white room for almost a year. Is it really so bad to want glory and to rise above the rest? well....... okay, yes, maybe it is. But to do it for the sake of respect, love, and companionship isn't such a terrible motive. 

    It was coming to that time of day when he would be given a meal he wouldn't eat, water he wouldn't drink. and medicine he wouldn't take. He wasn't feeling the drive to eat or drink or maintain health over this past month. It's not like he needed the energy, so what was the point? 

     But today was different. Very different. The most unexpected person was delivering his daily tray of unnecesaries. The older brother who hadn't said a word to him in almost a year, visited him not once, and questioned his status, even through a guard, not one single time. 

      "Hello Loki. I take it you must be hungry. One meal a day must make you ravenous," Thor said smoothly, in the assertive and borderline anarchic voice he had. 

     Loki looked up from his book in slight surprise before lightly shaking his head and nodding towards the table where the eldest set it gently as he stuck his nose back in the book he was pretending to read.

     "I hear you've been avoiding taking care of yourself. care to share why?"

     Loki just shrugged and didn't even look up, just giving his brother side glances when he wasnt looking. 

     "It's been months, you don't have anything to say? Despite popular belief, I do share concern for your life." 

     The youngest prince raised his eyebrow and closed his book, setting in his lap, "Don't do that thing."

    "what thing? i don't do a thing." Thor replied.

   "Yes you do, That thing where you pretend like you care so i"ll bounce around you like a puppy and comply to your needs." He picked his book up, continuing to pretend like he was reading.

"Well, if you don't come willingly i'll have to take you with me forcefully. We believe you are needed." the eldest confessed.

     With a sigh, he nudged the tray with the small meal, glass of water, and medicine for his nightmares. Thor sat on the small couch, setting the tray in between him and his younger brother, who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

     "Eat. Drink.You'll need the energy. and you should at least try to take better care of yourself." The eldest said a bit softly, "We expect this task we have for you is going to be draining, any energy you can use will be needed." 

     "What exactly is it i'm going to be doing? Oh let me guess, i'll find out when I get there?" He asked with a bite. 

     Thor sighed and set the tray in his brothers lap where it was quickly swatted away and he stood quickly. pacing towards the cell opening, waiting for his older brother with crossed arms, "well let's go then. come on, I don't know what it is but it's got to be better than sitting in here."

     Thor gave a small chuckle and clapped Loki's shoulder, "Oh don't be so stiff!"

     "I'm not stiff, I'm bitter." he commented evenly. 

The large pat on his back was unexpected and made him stumble a bit, his already shaky form chrashing to the floor from lack of strength. His elder brother stared before kneeling at his side on one knee. Loki swatted his hand away as he tried to help him up, "I can  stand on my own!" he rose slowly and shakily, taking a deep breath and straightening himself out once he was up, trying to look as pristine as one can after being locked away for nearly a year. 

"brother, I warned you to eat. Why do you never listen?" he was ignored as Loki brushed passed him, standing in front of the staircase waiting with crossed arms for his brother to lead the way. Once Thor was back on track and leading him to a room located near the weapons vault, Loki began to question what was going on even more. Once there he was in another white room, there was part of the room that had a barrier, looking much like a giant auqarium. Inside it contained a table with a small box and a circle around it with various designs scrawled throughout it. The box had 5 sides, each with a symbol that was completely different.

" what is this?"  Loki asked, not tearing his eyes away from the ancient looking 5 sided column. 

"we aren't completely sure, but we believe it holds some sort of key or answer inside. Father said only a very special person could open it, someone with sway over magic and the elements. A very extraordinary and powerful person. I figured you were powerful enough and he agreed that someone like you could possibly be the answer." He answered.

"well how am I supposed to do that? what am I supposed to do to open it?" 

" stand in the circle and it puts you into some sort of unconcious state, On this screen over here it shows us what you're seeing. It presents you with tests, and for each one opened a side of it will glow, we assume that means its unlocked."

"wait, if I am the person you think can open it, how do you know all this about it? there's something you're not telling me." The younger concluded. 

"yes, but that doesn't matter. Just please cooperate and it could very well get you out of your cell." Thor said.

" No. Not until you tell me precisely what it is you know that you haven't told me. did others try to open it and fail?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Thor sighed and rubbed his face before looking at his brother, "all the others who tried have died. The simulations were too much for them to handle, if you die in the sleep then you die in real life. There are no second chances if you don't make it, though we are able to awaken you if necessary," he answered.

"well....alright then. How do I start?" Loki asked, standing a little less straight and steeping into the circle, eyeing the box. 

Thor didn't answer, he just locked the door and a female assistant pressed some buttons on a control panel in front of the glass containment center. Loki looked at his brother for answers, but got none. from the circle around him rose 6 orbs. they had a good amount of needles on each one and the lodged into different parts of his body. The back of his neck, base of his spine, one on each wrist, and one on each ankle. 

It hurt horrendously. He could feel them lodge into his flesh and it was apparent they weren't letting go, it was like a fire that was quickly yet ever so slowly fading. He could feel the world around him go away from him, distancing itself from his mind and going black. He woke, but there was no white room, no box, and no small silver notches protruding his skin. he was in a place that was similar to Jottunheim, but it wasn't freezing. it was damp, and dark, and gloomy, yes. But, different. There were a few columns of ice but other than that, nothing but wetness and trees forming what midgardians would call a rain forest like area surrounding him.

well, THIS was certainly going to be new. he heard waves, loud and relentless, crashing through his surrounding. He'd yet to have seen them, but he knew they were there. A hollographic woman floated in mid air in front of him, glowing a transparent blue.

"hello, subject. This is a simulation to test your skills and put you in placement of a group that protain to your abilities. This particular sim will try you and your skills of sway against water and ice.Since this is the beginning of your trial, I welcome you to the  Testing Elicit Assets and Charishing Heritage  simulation programming. T.E.A.C.H for short. good luck, and remember, there are no second chances in real life. and since this is a simulator designed for the highest quality of authenticity, there shall be no second chances here either. Best of luck, subject. and may the sims guide you to greatness." 

Then she was gone. He looked around him in confusion.He had no armor, no one to help him, and no idea what the hell he was supposed to do. Water and ice? Looks like his heritage as a frost giant would be coming in handy then. 

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