1.The beginning after the horrible end

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They say that a woman becomes a mother when she knows, but a man becomes a father when he sees his child. In my case it was true.

"Hey Honey.... I think its time!", she said to me.

"Are you sure?"


It was on a late winter night and I was still at work trying to finish a project which my boss had bossed me into. But at that moment when Emma called, I hung up. I didn't know what to do...HER or THIS? Definitely her. I ran, drove like aka maniac to see her crying in pain. I was terrified, but even though she was in pain, she was mind of calm. I envied her for that. At the hospital, she held my hand giving me a week smile.

I held her face in my hands and looked into her eyes."We'll make it", I said and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

As I sat in the lobby thinking about her, I wondered what life would be now. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, DIAPERS STINK, CRYING!!! I was pulled out of that world by the Doctor."Mr.Evans, Congratulations! You have a healthy, beautiful baby girl. But your wife..." His smile faded away from his face. " she could not make it. She wanted us to save the child." I was shocked.

"That is impossible. You are joking. We will walk down that hall and see her absolutely fine", I said.

"Try to..."

"No, no", I cut him off. "Not Emma!"

"Look on the brighter side, you have a girl", he said. I sat on the floor and cried, threw tantrums, kicked, did not listen to the doctor, I behaved just like a child. But the doc was patient. Maybe he was used to it. I got up feeling week and tired.I had not thrown a tantrum for a long time. I walked into the nursery and I was just dumbfounded. I picked you up the most beautiful baby girl ever born, you opened your big blue eyed and did that thing what babies do...you looked.

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