26. Stay

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                                                                             A week later, I got discharged and I could walk around the hospital without any body having to run after me telling me I was not allowed to go there. I never went home. You were moved to a ward and I finally got to sit by you.  Brian too never left your side. The poor kid's eyes were blood shot due to crying and lack of sleep. He just sat there looking at you and holding your hand.

                                                                           But things started to get a lot worse. There were doctors and nurses running in and out  of the room most of the time. We prayed for an improvement, but it never came. And finally the day arrived when the doctor entered the room and confirmed our fears. " Every fighter gets tired, how ever much they have been fighting throughout their lives", he said. It was heart breaking. No body spoke a word after that.

                                                                             Until night, I went up to Brian, " Take the car and go home. Take some rest. No, I am fine. I'll stay", he said giving me a faint smile. " You know I would really like if you went home son, please. You look tired and I feel really bad. Take the keys and go home." He got up and I gave him a hug and said," You know that you are like a son to me now right, and I am really happy that my Amy had you. Thanks dad", he said and took off.

                                                                              I came and I sat down next to you and I held your hand. I leaned back. My eyes begged to close and so I gave in. "Dad, wake up." It was Brian. He held out an envelope. " It's from Julliard", he said. " Go call mom and dad Brian quickly", I said to him. A few minutes later the four of us stood in the room. With the letter clenched in my hand, I began. " Hey babe, we got some news for you. The letter from Julliard has arrived. " And I handed the letter to Brian. He moved back but I said, " She would want you to open it. " So he did. He was silent and as he read a smile came over his face and tears rolled down his cheeks. " She got in! Amy you got in to Julliard!".  And he kissed you on the fore head.

                                                                               Now your grandma came ahead and with tears over flowing from her eyes held your hand saying," We are so proud of you and always have been. We have no idea what life would have been without you and your mom. The both of you'll are the reason my son  is the man he is today and I thank you. And we know that you will always be there with us where ever you are. We love you very much dear!!!

                                                                               That is when I thought I should speak up. " We just want you to know that if you stay we will be there with you forever. But if you want to go.......",I chocked out, " We will surely understand.  We will. You have fought hard long enough sweet heart. It is okay to give up. How much ever we do not want you to, it's your choice. And we will support you decision no matter what." BEEP....BEEP ...BEEP......the monitor stared. The screen showed us your heart rate. It was happening. Our hearts beat faster than any of us had ever experienced while your heart beat grew fainter and fainter. " It's okay, we love you and understand", It hurt me to say it so much but  I chocked it out anyway as I could not hold back the bucket of tears any longer . And as if you heard me..............The line went.................STRAIGHT! It was over. ........DAD!!! Wake up, your screaming on the top of your lungs, what ever is the matter." I woke. What in the world was going on. First,  to get things straight, I was back at home safe in my bed with you....... BY MY SIDE.


                                                        "I was dreaming. It was all a dream, Thank goodness for that", I said. It was still night and we were yet to leave."What's wrong dad, you asked me with a worried tone in your voice. Nothing sweety", I replied. "Everything will be alright now." And I gave you a hug. As long as you were by my side, everything would be alright. That is for sure.

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