Is it a Ghost?

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      On a Saturday morning 4 young girls woke up to continue their daily routines. Three of the young girls were sisters Heather, Meagan,and Sarah. Also a very close friend Tiffany. They were all about the same age 9-10. I'm Heather Schwier one of the three sisters and I'm Tiffany Lee the very close friend. We are here to tell you a story, but not just any story, a story that will give you goosebumps. How do we remember so well? We're not remembering but we're experiencing.

Chapter 1: Before the Winds (Heather's part)

    Meagan and Sarah went to go play with Tiffany. I didn't come along. They came up with a great idea as they were there and the idea was to have a sleepover at my house. I was excited of course. We were all very good friends. They came to ask my mom and of course she would have to say yes or we wouldn't have much of a story would we? After we got the approval from my mom we went out to lunch. The day was still pretty normal. We went to the Safeway and got some snacks for the sleepover. On our way home Meagan and Sarah went with Tiffany to help her pack. Me, Craig(brother), and my mom went back to the house to unpack the snacks.

Chapter 2: It's First Appearance

     We started hearing winds. Large winds. That's when our story begins. At first the winds were just..........winds, but they got a lot worse. The sounds grew stronger, but it didn't sound like winds, but more like ghostly whistles. Every time we stepped closer to the windows the whistles seemed to get louder. We were frightened enough to stay put. We were scared the most because....we didn't know what it was and what it wanted.

Chapter 3: 2 down

       Sarah and Meagan are asleep. Only me and Tiffany left. As you already know me and Tiffany are the authors so we wrote the story when it happened.The computer shut down while we were typing but we found out it was only because it lost its battery life. We had to charge it or no story. The only plug in sight was by the window which were where the ghostly whistles seem to be. We lasted a minute or two but we decided to look for a plug near us. As we were looking, suddenly the sink turned on ....then off without anyone there. We quickly looked and we found a plug. We continued where we left off.

Chapter 4: Is it The End?

      I here footsteps but the winds get weaker. We hope it's at an end. But we still hear it, the whistle are still here but definitely weaker. Is it the end, or not. We still don't know if it is gone, if there was anything. The whistles could just be winds but from what I just told you, I think there WAS a ghost. What do you think?

Chapter 5: Chill in The Air (Tiffany's part)

       As on chapter 4 the question was "Is it the End" , it's not. The winds are getting weaker but the voices are getting higher. We're getting cold and as they say whenever a ghost is near it can cause you to get cold. Oh yeah and did I mention Heather isn't telling the rest of the story, it's the other author. I'm Tiffany Lee I believe heather told you me and her are the authors on chapter 3 "2 down". Well anyways back to the story.

Chapter 6: Other affects

      Oh my gosh! A cut just appeared on Meagan's finger and she didn't do anything all she was doing was laying down. Then the bathroom door flew back and forth, and fast with no one near it or touching it. It woke Sarah. Every one of us were extremely scared. We slowly backed away further with big shocks on our faces.

Chapter 7: It's Still Here

      It's still here but definitely better than at first.  Meagan went to the refrigerator to get something to eat and then she closed it completely. But as she walked away from the refrigerator she heard it open up again and it was open so she closed it once more. What ever it is it wants something, but we don't know what, and our parents wont believe us.

Chapter 8: It's Gone I know it is

      Well, looks like this case is closed but with no solution, you know why? Well because there are no scary affects, no winds, no anything which is fantastic so that means our job is done even though we didn't solve it. Oh yeah and don't forget we didn't make it up it was true, a true story. =]

           By: Tiffany Victoria Lee and Heather Nicole Schwier

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2011 ⏰

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