The Beginning

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Waking up to that stupid alarm clock every morning.

Rolling out of bed to get ready for the days challenges.

Hoping on that bus to get to school.

Walking in the hall way looking for your friends so your not alone and looking like a loner.

Because, after all. Girls travel in packs.

Mornings are probably the worst part about school.

In the morning is when you lay in bed and just relax for a while. Your brain in the mornings isn't working correctly. Your not thinking straight. Your in la la land.

Then finally your realize,

"Oh shit I need to get ready"

So you fly out of bed, most likely tripping over something to go to what ever it is you do to get your self ready for school.

When your ready, you get to school and walk to your locker or class.

Walking into school can have a couple different effects.

You can be that flawless bitch that when you walk in your hair flows back and all lights and eyes are on you.


That doesn't happen.

Normally you either walk in with a friend with the occasional "did you do your homework I didn't!" Or just a simple "hey" to other people as you walk.

You can also be that loner and walk in by your self rushing to find your friends so people won't judge you.

Cause after all,

You can't get by without someone judging you.

Or you can be that person who doesn't care what others think and you just walk right into school focused on whatever the hell goes on in your mind.

If your that kind of person,

Then I hate you.

You can go around not worrying. Not thinking. Just doing whatever your please.

Now we're going to get into a little story here about a girl named Hannah.

Hannah is in High School with her 4 best friends and that boy she's been crushing on since forever.

Hannah isn't really popular, in fact, most people don't even recognize her.

She's just there. A student attending at some huge high school.

Although, her friends are quite known around school.

One, having the reputation of being a complete bitch to everyone.

Two, having the reputation of being completely hot and in all the gossip, when really she couldn't care less.

Three, having the reputation almost like two, but not so much popularity.

And four, just like Hannah and not being known at all.

These four girls do not go together. Their personalities are completely polar opposite and they all have different traits.

All they want is that perfect life.

With the perfect guy.

And the perfect friends

And they believe being popular will change that.

Will it?


Now, before you go thinking this is some cliche story it's not I promise. Tell me what you think so far. Hopefully it'll get better.

Also help me get more reads!


I have like, not a lot of reads what so ever.


alright. Yeah.

Thanks bye!

(I normally get annoyed when people make the really long author's notes so... Not gonna do that)


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