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Chapter 2

Jason's pov

*when he asked her name*

"Oh hi my names Jason Wally" I shook her hand. I didn't want to let go. If I could hold her hand forever I would. "Now what's your name?"

"Felicity. Felicity Zolman."

That name seemed so fimilar when I heard it. I started to remember, it was in Elementy. 1st grade I punched her so hard she had a huge bruise that lasted for 7 weeks and she had to get a shot every week during the time she had the bruise. In second grade I poured sprite all over her. In third grade I locked her into a room when no one was in the halls. In fourth grade I had all my friends be jerks and make fun of her clothes even though they were superrrr cute and in fifth grade I called her fat and a cuss word everyday. I did that all because I loved her sooooooooo much but I got so mean when it came to love. I regret all those times I heard she went home crying and almost commited sucide. During Middle school she went to a different school because she didn't want me to bully her. I hope she doesn't remember all that because I still and always will love her.

Jason. Jason are you ok?" She woke me up from my day dream.

"Yeah I'm ok. I'm just was thinking." I was really happy to see her again but she is the only one I have ever loved in my whole entire life and I don't want to hurt her again.

"I-I-I have to go now." I lied.

"Ok, but can I put my number into your contacts."


I gave her my phone and she typed her name and number in, but instead she put her name as babeee:). She smiled and walked away and as she was walking back to her house tears started to form in my eyes.


Sorry it was a short chapter. What do you think will happen next. Is Jason going to tell her or not? Comment in the comment box also fill this form out to be the looks of one of the siblings.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2013 ⏰

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