August 28th, 2015 Emma's entry

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I was born in July. I had a pretty good childhood from ages 0-5. My little sister came into the world when I was 3. I loved her. Now she's just a brat but that's what little sisters are I guess. I went to kindergarten at age 6. I loved my teachers and classmates, but whenever we had reading time or when we had homework, I wouldn't do any of the work, just because I couldn't understand it. Then when I got to first grade everything changed. I barely knew how to read, I would get in trouble because I didn't do my homework and I couldn't comprehend anything I was reading because all of the books were so boring. Around this time my parents were realising my sister was extremely gifted. She was crazy smart and able to do addition and subtraction in her first year of preschool. Something that I barely understood in kindergarten. If I were to rate my first 3 years of elementary school I would say it was probably a 3/10. That would spark a series of horrible events in my life so far. Many people may think it is stupid, but some others may have gone through the same thing and understand.

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