8/28- Eliza

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So Emma and Annalee did their posting thing already and now it's my turn so hey. This is Eliza. I'm going to try to make this funny or amusing or something but chances are I'm going to sound like a TOOOOTAL idiot and everyone who reads this is going to have a cringe attack but that's okay. Here goes.

Hey, I'm Eliza. I'm not saying how old I am but I'm the youngest of the three of us by almost a year. I'm also the only straight one (I've questioned my sexuality before but pretty sure I'm a hetero) and I'm going to a different school than Annalee and Emma next year which definitely sucks.

I think the best way to describe the three of us is something like this: so you know how in movies there's always that one friend who makes really bad, sometimes perverted jokes and is just kind of a clown and everyone else is just like wat r u doing? Yeah that's all three of us.

I belong to more fandoms than is healthy (well idk about that because being in any fandom at all is pretty unhealthy) but my main one is Supernatural of course. My favorite character is Sam and I also love Jody Mills, Garth, Cas and a bunch of other people (or, like, non humans). I'm also obsessed with Dan and Phil, the TV show House, MD, Harry Potter, Sherlock, etc. I haven't watched Doctor Who yet but I'm working towards it. I am a hardcore shipper of Destiel, Sabriel, Johnlock, a bunch of ships in Harry Potter (mainly Jily and Nuna, extra points if you know who both of those are) and some other things from TV shows that give me major feels but nobody else watches.

So Emma's profile picture...? Yeah, that's me. She took that picture in a class we had together last year. The only reason she used it is because A) I look like a total dumbass and B) that turquoise thing behind me? That's a shirt. The guy wearing that shirt is the guy I've had a crush on for at least a year and a half. And of course because that's Emma's sense of humor it has to or her profile picture in some social media he didn't have an account on. Sooooo here we are.

I like this idea of this sort of three person journal thing that Emma came up with. I'm also surprised she trusts the two of us to log in and out of her account without messing crap up. Chances are for a while I'm just gonna like list facts about me and tell stories and stuff while I get comfortable with the whole public diary concept. If I keep this up for a few weeks though I'm probably gonna get really deep and personal and overwhelming, BUT this is probably a good place to stop for now.

I love you guys, keep doing you and #AlwaysKeepFighting!

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