Chapter 28

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Emma's POV

I sat in my room, curled up in ball. The room was pitch black, only tiny bits of moonlight being able to peak through the curtains. I buried my head I between my knees, beads of water slowly rolling down my cheeks. Ever since Ethan came into my life, everything turned into a disaster, yet having him was like a dream come true. He made me so happy and feel so special, but at the same time, he tore me apart. I suffered severe pain and had to go through so much because of him, but I still loved him so much. I don't know what to do with myself anymore.

Tears cascaded out of the corners of my eyes and I cried over everything that has gone wrong in the past year, blaming it all on me. My father died, and I blamed myself for not being by his side more often, and after that incident, my life came tumbling down. When I found Ethan, I thought that he could help mend my broken heart and cure the pain, but he only seemed to make it worse.


I woke up to the usual sound of my alarm ringing in my ears. I had gotten used to it, considering that I had to listen to that sound blast in my ears every morning for the past 2 months, yet I still found it quite annoying. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and threw the sheets off of my body, goosebumps forming on my skin as the cool air circulated around me. I pushed myself off of my bed and trekked over to the bathroom, a gasp escaping my mouth as I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were still a bloodshot red, my hair was all over the place, sticking up in the most hard to reach places, and there was dried up slobber covering my right cheek in streaks. I let out an angry sigh and quickly turned on the shower, hopping in immediately.

I stepped out and quickly dried myself off with my towel before wrapping it around my torso, and headed back out to my bedroom. I pulled out a pair of light wash skinny jeans and a burgundy knitted sweater, changing into the outfit. I brushed out my soaking wet hair and pulled it up into a tight high pony tail, and headed down to the main hall.

Like usually, they served their disgusting, lumpy oatmeal, plopping it down onto my paper plate before ushering me over to a nearby table. I hadn't made any friends because I never went to the social time thing, but I didn't mind if I had to sit alone while eating.

That just gave me more time to think of my escape.

Ethan's POV

Yesterday with Grayson, was so much fun. It was the most fun I've had in a very long time, and just being able to go out and do crazy-awesome things with my brother, was so amazing. I'm so happy that I have someone like him in my life, he's my best friend. No matter what, he's always there for me, and yea we can annoy each other sometimes, but at the end of the day, I'm forever grateful to be able to have Grayson by my side.

Today, I was basically having a lazy day. Emma and I would have those all the time when she was with me, we'd just eat pizza and watch Netflix all day, laugh at each other, and enjoy each other's company. I miss her so much, and to think that she's 70 miles away from me, makes my heart sadden.

There's got to be a way that I can visit her...and I know just what I'll do. Let's hope it all works out.


escape from where Emma? And what ya thinking there Ethan? Seems like they both have got a plan...

I hope you guys are enjoying this book, and I want to let you guys know that there are only to chapters left!! What do you think will happen? Because seriously, a lot can happen in just 2 chapters..💖LOVE YOU GUYS 💖}

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