how you meet

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This is my first story because I got board at doing nothing sooooooo yeah ENJOY
Jeff the killer

You were in your room sleeping peacefully when you hear yelling so you get up to see what it is with gun in you hand. Then you go down stairs then you go to the living room to find your your little sister (if you don't have one make one up) being held up in the air by the a boy the same age as you. (btw your 16,17,or 18 in the story, your pick) "Let go of my sister or blow your freaking brains all over the the place" you say pointing the gun at the boy. He says with a grin" I like you so I won't kill your family or you." He puts your sister down and go to the window and says" I'm Jeff, I'll see you soon (Y/N)" then jumps out.

You were walking in the woods to get away from your parents fighting non stop.Then you hear a twig snap behind you so you turn around to see a very tall figure standing in front of you. You try to scream but you couldn't from pre fear then it speaks in your mind" child why have you come here at night" then you speak" l...l wanted get away from my parents fighting" then he teleported you home after talking to you for a few hours" see you soon (Y/N) " then left.

You were so happy to get a new game since your a big time gamer. The game was LoZ (legend of Zelda) you put in you game system and start playing it. Then a message appears on the tv it ( you shouldn't have done that ) you had read then a boy that looked like link came out of your tv and said "Hey good looking" and you said" w...who are you? "I'm BEN and you are?" "(Y/N)" with a smirk on BEN he said "see you soon " then went back in the tv.

You were going to the cheesecake factory your favorite place to go when your upset and to eat cheesecake. You had just caught your now ex boyfriend having a make out session with your enemy Becky ( if that's your name you can change it) in your house! So your sitting at table then you hear some one come to your table. You look up to see a boy your age wearing a mask with girly features. He says" can I sit with you and have some of your cheesecake? " you say" Sure" with a smile you can see under the mask he sits down and talk for hours till the store closed. Then he says "I'll see you soon (Y/N) "then walks off.

Same as Masky's

Dr. Smiley
You had just beaten up by bullies again. You we're walking home when you bump in to someone knocking both of you down. You wouldn't stop saying sorry to the person to find out it was a man he said" are you okay?" You look up to see a very good looking man with a white lab coat and a mask covering up his mouth with a smile on it. " I'm okay" you say" you look hurt, can I help you. I'm a doctor" then you follow him to his" office" then he cleans up your wounds and bandages on them then takes you home in his black car and says see you soon then drives off.

Hey I hope you liked it . vote/ comment PEACE OUT. ANGELS

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