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Ticci Toby

You were crying in the woods because your now ex boyfriend was cheating! You were completely heart broken then you hear something walk up to you and sit down. " Why are you crying?" It said then you look up to see a boy you age ( your 16,17 or 18 in the story you can which one you want to be) looking down on you. You say while more tears come out" I caught my boyfriend cheating on me with my bully " "I'm sorry to hear that" he says looking down then says" I'm Toby" while sticking his hand so you took his hand and shook his hand. " TOBY"! you hear someone scream" oh, I have to go maybe we can hang out sometime" with a faint smile. " Totally" you say with kind smile. With a excited look on his face "great!" Then you say goodbye then he ran off into the woods.

Eyeless Jack

You were sleeping in your room dreaming about teenage mutant ninja turtles (if you don't like tmnt then ... To bad! . GO TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES !!!!!!!) then you hear your window open so you keep your eyes close then you feel the blanket being pulled back but still you keep your eyes shut. Then you feel sharp on your skin and you feel blood go down your belly. You shot up out of bed with nunchucks in your hand. Then you start swinging them around then hit something and it groans in pain and you turn on the light. You a boy with a blue mask and black hoddie" what the hell lady! " the boy said while standing up " AHHHH stranger danger! " and you hit him a few more times " HEY stop it! " "Then tell me why your in my room" you say " because I wanted your kidneys but I put them back!" Then you look at your belly to a big stitched up cut then you look up to see the boy get up and walks to your window then he said with a sly smile on his face" I will see you again and my name is Eyeless Jack if your wondering" then jumps out the window


You were in the mall looking something nice to wear to you step sister's wedding in the women's clothes section but you couldn't find anything. Getting ready to leave to go to another store you start to walk out when someone stops you. You look up to see who it is and all you see is a very tall man with a stylish sweater and stylish black pants with glasses and no face" Hey, I'm trender and I can help you find the perfect dress for you" he said then you say ok and follow him to the other women's clothes store then as your looking then trender comes up to you with a (f/c) strapless knee length dress with black high heel boots. You let out a gasp and said" it's beautiful" then you both walk up to counter and you take out your wallet but trender stops and he pays for it "you didn't have to do that" then he said putting his wallet in his pants pocket" oh its ok at least I go to buy for a beautiful girl" then blushed so bad that you would have shamed the red rose it self. As you get ready to leave but trender stops you and says " I'll see you again" and walks off .

Smile Dog (in his human form)
You walking home from a party at night then someone tackles you the ground. The person had razor sharp claws getting ready to tear your face off then the person gets off of you and you look up to see a boy with pitch black hair with a red steck in it and black clothes. Though the glowing light blue eyes and huge grinny smile he was cute then he spoke" I won't kill you because your cute and I'm smiley , tell anyone about me and will hunt you down then I'll eat you" then he run off.

Grinny Cat
You were walking home from your friends house when it starts to pour down rain then you saw a wet cat in your way path. You kneel down in front of it to if it had a collar to see it didn't have one. It had black fur with a red stripe on its back. " Hmmm, do you have a home little guy? " then hear meowing in response. Then you say" I'm going to take you home" then you take it home and you get home you take it inside. You dried him and give him some milk and tuna to eat because it looked kind of skinny to you. Then you take him up stairs to your room then put an old cat collar on him and made a bed for him to lay down in. " I'll name you tomorrow right now try and get some sleep." You go lay down in your bed and soon fall asleep. Later that night you feel something climb on you and you thought it was the cat trying to get warm until you feel a hand covering your mouth. You shot open wide then you see a boy your age with black and blood red clothes also with black and red stripe scarf around his neck. " Hello my dear" he said with a french accent then you start to tear up. "Oh,don't cry my dear I'm not going to kill you like my other victims because you took me in to your out of the rain and fed me, no one but my friends takes me in to their home, now I'm going to my hand off your mouth but don't scream." You nod in response then takes his hand off your mouth. Then you guys talked for a few hours then he says" l have to go, I'll see you soon (Y/N)" then he leaves.

The Puppeteer

You were getting ready a kids puppet show that you do for the preschool you work at but you had to get new puppets. So you walk in a puppet store but you don't see anyone there till you hear some clear there throat behind you. You quickly turn around to see a boy your age with black and gray clothes and pure gold eyes with dark gray skin and a black beanie on his head " Can I help you "he said with grin" I need new puppets for a show I'm doing" you said. "Follow me then I'll help you find the perfect puppets for you" he said with a wink. You were looking some other section of the store when the boy comes back with three puppets in hand. The first one was a princess with a light blue dress with gold trimming and it had light brown hair with little crown. The second on was prince (I'm not doing clothes for the next two)
and the third was a fairy. You let gasp then say" there beautiful did make these your self. "then he says" yeah, pretty cool huh ,my name is puppeteer" "mine is (Y/N) " then you look at the clock and realized what time it was. "Oh crap I have to go, how are they" you taking your wallet then he said with smile " no it all right you can have, no charge" then you were getting to say but he stops you" but we have to hang sometime" he said with a grin" ok" you said heading to the door " ok see you then" he wave good bye

Bloody Painter

You were sitting in art class drawing when the teacher clears his throat which makes everyone's attention to the teacher" Class we have new student joining our school today so please welcome Helen Otis, he will teaming up someone since everyone else has a partner Helen you will be teaming up with (Y/N) since she doesn't have a partner either" then he walks up to sits next in the empty seat. All of you guys left at the end of class and went in to the halls doing what ever until some jocks come up to you trying to flirt with you but you ignore until one of them puts there hand on your butt then you slap them in the face and they wouldn't leave you alone. Then Helen punches them in the face then they run away like b****'s and then turns to you " are you ok" you look up at him and said" yeah I'm okay , thank you" "no problem. Who knows what they would do to you if I didn't hit them" then you got idea" hey do you want to hang out sometime" and you saw an excited look on his face " sure! " At the end you both walked out of school then says" I'll see you soon" then walks off

Laughing Jack
You were dared to go to a abandon carnival at night because your friends know your afraid of clowns. As you walked throughout the carnival you had strange feeling you were being watched but shook it off as nothing. Then you something walking behind but there was nothing was there but when you turn back you see a clown with black and white with feathers on the shoulders with a cone nose. You gasp at the figure standing before you" hello there would you like some candy" he said pulling out bloody candy. You were completely terrified and yet something told to stay with him." I'm laughing Jack and you are" you hesitated before you answer " (Y/N) " you two spent the whole day riding rides,eating candy, laughing your a**'s off until it time for you to leave" hey do you want back tomorrow" he said and with a smile on your face" of course I will" " great see you then!" Then you walked home to watch (F/S) ( favorite show) and eat (F/F) (favorite food) .

Dark Link
You were walking into the mall because you broad out of your mind . You came a cross a teen store and it looked awesome so you went inside. It had the coolest stuff and getting stuff. You wanted to buy a nightmare on elm street t-shirt until your touch someone else's hand. You turn to see who it is and you see a boy your age who looked like link but he was wearing dark clothes and his skin was dark grey. " Oh did you want this shirt ,you can have it if you want to" the said smile then you say "no you can have it because I just realized its not my size" . "Well thanks , my name is Dark link but you can call me dark" he said with a grin . "My name is (Y/N) " you said a sweet smile "pretty name for a pretty girl" he said smiling . You were blushing like crazy he just chuckle and said" I'll see you soon" then walks off.

Hey angels, I hope you liked the story it might have but was worth it for you guys

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