New characters (3)

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He asks you out

Ticci Toby

You got a message from Toby saying to come to the place you both met. As you got there you saw (favorite flowers (F/F) and candles around the tree you met Toby. You see Toby in a tux and he was holding a boutique of (F/F). He says" (Y/N) ever since the day I met you I can't stop thinking about how kind sweet and perfect you are. I've been dying to ask this very question. (Y/N) will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend? " you just stood there with tears in your eyes and you say "Yes toby". He runs up to you and lifts you in the air while you both are smiling goofy.

Eyeless Jack

You got home and you smelled something awful and the smell got worse when went upstairs to your room . You went in your room to find 'will you go out with me' ? in kidneys. Then Ej came out and held a rose In his hand. "So what is your answer" he said looking at you with hopeful eyes and you stepped over the kidneys and walked over to him then he looked in your (E/C) eyes. You kissed him on the cheek and you said "yes but first we have to clean up these kidneys" . He smiled and helped you clean your room.


You became friends with trender because your love for fashion . You were walking around the mall and went in to the clothing store where you met trender and at that thought you blush because you have a crush on him. You were looking at close when you heard "Hello everyone i have a special surprise for my friend (Y/N) " and you knew who it was . He played your favorite song and you weld up with tears of happiness and then you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn to see trender holding your favorite flower. "(Y/N) I thought i never find anyone as amazing,talented,fashion loving,and beautiful like you , so will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend " said trender in a soft voice . "Yes !" you said hugging him tightly and you two spent the day together .

Smile dog (human form)

After that night you met smile dog , you couldn't stop thinking about him. Even though he scared that crap out of you , you thought he was handsome and actually sweet. Under that scary and frightful side of him there was also a sweet and caring side to him. You sat in your room thinking about him until you heard something tap on the window and you turn to see ..............

smile dog. You quickly went over to the window and opened it. "Hey what are you doing here?" you asked trembling a little. "Well I wanted to know if you would go out with me " he said plain and simple but you knew he cared for you. You stood there and then you pulled him into a hug and said " of course you dork who could say no to you ". You knew he was smiling and then he said " you'd be surprised " while laughing and you let him inside. You both sat on your bed getting to know each and the more you knew about him , the more your love grew for him.

Grinny cat

You walked home from your now ex boyfriends house and you were upset because you found out he was using you to make him self look better. As you walked you heard a meow and you turn to see the same cat that you took in when it rained."Hello (Y/N) it's nice to see you what's wrong" he said looking worried and you put on a fake smile."I'm fine" you said trying not to worry your dear friend and you also had grown feelings for him.You felt this when you first saw him but you thought ' why would someone as amazing and understanding guy like him would go out with someone like me. This made you depressed. "Look how about I take you home and we can talk there " he said taking your hand in his which made you blush." Alright " you said looking down and the two of you started to walk to your house. After you got there you explained what had happened and you swore you could see the anger in his eyes. " I can't believe he would do that to someone as perfect as you" He said blushing and you looked down with a tint of pink on your cheek. Then you thought of what your ex had said to you and a frown spread across your lips which grinny noticed. " What's wrong (Y/N)" he said with a with a worried look. With a sigh you said " it's Hunter ,he said that I was worthless and that no one would ever love someone like me" you felt tears fall from your eyes and then you felt a hand go under your chin."Your perfect just the way you and don't let anyone tell you any different " he said pulling you in to a hug which caused you to blush that would shame the red,red rose. You hugged back and cried into his shoulder. He pulled back to look in to your eyes. "I know I might be rushing to ask you this but I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend and you don't feel the same way I understand " he said with sadness in his eyes. You look at him and think about what he said. You pulled him into a hug and say " of course I'll be your girlfriend". You heard a sigh of relive and he hugged you back. "I'm so glad you said yes" he said still hugging you. "Me too" you said smiling


Every since the day you came into that shop where you got your puppets,you had a crush on puppeteer. You would help him make new puppets and you would talk about your lives. He did tell you that he was a killer but you didn't care you thought that everyone deserves a second chance. You got a call from him saying to come to the shop because he wanted to show you something. When you got there the shop was pitch black with the front curtains pulled shut. "Hello anyone here" you called out but no response. A light shone on a small stage and in front of it was a chair. You also knew that some of the puppets came alive sometimes so it didn't freak you out when a little soldier walked up to and lead the chair where you sat down. "Ladies and gentle men I present to you the awesome show ever!" said a voice you knew all to well. After the announcer said that little puppets that were wearing gowns and tux's started to dance together. When they were down dancing they held up a sign saying. 'Will you go out with me'. You knew who was asking so you said into the air "yes puppeteer I will". You felt someone hug you from behind and you turn to see your new boyfriend standing there smiling like a dork (I would be to if my crush asked me out )
"So happy you said" he started to say but you kissed his cheek which made him blush a dark crimson red. "Same here" you said holding his hand and smiling

Bloody painter

It was another day of boys hitting
and you didn't pay attention until one of those jocks pushed you into the abandoned part of the school. You kicked and screamed when one of the three dragged you into the abandoned boys bathroom and started to take your clothes with his along with yours until you were left with you bra and underwear. The door of the bathroom slammed opened and You saw Helen standing there with anger in his eyes as punched all three guys in the face. After they fought Helen was left with a broken nose and busted lip. "Are you alright" he asked helping you up and then blushed because he saw in your under clothes. You put your clothes on and say "yeah thank you". "It was no problem I'm just glad your ok and I don't think this is a good time to ask but do y-you w-w-want to be my g-girlfriend " he said blushing. You thought about it and then you said "yes I would love to". He smiled and hugged you.

Laughing Jack

You walked to the carnival that had just came into town. Lj called you to meet him there next to the the candy stand. You were munching on your favorite candy when you felt something tap your shoulder and you turn to see a blushing LJ. "Hey lj" you said smiling at the clown. "Hey (Y/N)" he said holding something behind his back. "What's behind your back" you asked trying to see what it is but he kept turning around. You growled playfully and started to chase him around the carnival. When you final caught up with him,you fell on top of him which made you both blush like crazy. He helped you up and was holding both of your hands. He held a candy rose and He said " (Y/N) I can't express my feelings for you but I love you so much and I would die with out you so will you become my girlfriend". You stood there with tears in your eyes. "Yes a million times yes" you said actually jumping on lj and kissing his cheek over and over again which made him turn as red as a tomato.

Dark link
Same as trenders

Hey I'm soooooooooooooooooooo sorry this took so long and I didn't do dark link. But I hope you enjoyed. Add / follow / vote / comment. PEACE OUT ANGELS

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