'Pa, you know I love you, yeah?' Seventeen year old Niall Tomlinson-Payne asked his father. His father hummed in response and pulled him close, cuddling into him while watching television.
'What do you want this time?' Niall's father quizzed, not taking his eyes off the television. Niall scoffed and pulled away a little to look up at his father. His father looked back down at his son, smirking.
'Pa! Can't I just tell you I love you without being interrogated?' Niall exclaimed in fake hurt, placing his left hand over his heart. Liam rolled his eyes and laughed a little.
'Bub, you only tell me you love me when you want something. The last time you said it because you wanted too was when you were ten. I love you too, now what is it you want?' Liam explained, smiling at his fake blond son. Niall rolled his eyes but smiled back at his father.
'No, pa. I just wanted you to know your the best father in the whole wide world and I love you very much and nothing you do will ever disappoint me' Niall said, meaning every word. Liam's heart melted at every word his son said. It's very rare you hear a seventeen year old saying these things to their parents.
'Awe bub, your the best son I could ask for and I love you too, very much. Now please tell me what you want' Liam asked softly.
'Okay, I want you to meet my boyfriend. I do love you though' he said, cuddling back into his fathers side. Niall loves cuddling with both his fathers. They gave off warmth and it made him feel safe in his fathers arms. They both gave amazing hugs, especially when Niall was sad and upset.
'Boyfriend? You never told me you had a boyfriend, Niall' Liam squealed at his son, a huge smile present on his face. Niall rolled his eyes at his fathers antics but smiled nonetheless. He was expecting the whole "your too young for a boyfriend" or "you better be using protection" speeches.
'That's exactly why' Niall mumbled, still smiling at his father. Liam rolled his eyes at his typical teenage son. Liam gently pushed his son off him and turned around to face him. He sat cross legged on the couch, Niall copying his fathers actions.
'Tell me about him, Bub' Liam said in an attempt of a teenage girls voice but failing causing both boys to start laughing. Sometimes Niall felt like a teenage girl, all he and his father seemed to do was gossip or argue about which guy in The Vampire Diaries was hotter. Niall claimed Stefan was but Liam disagreed and said Damon was. Then Louis would come home from work and tell them to shush cause Tyler was way hotter than the brothers.
'Well' Niall started. 'His name is Harry. Harry Malik and he has the most gorgeous green eyes that sparkle when he smiles and brown curly hair that's super soft to touch. He has a cute button nose and cute pink lips. He has dimples pa, dimples, and-' Niall rambled on until his father cut him off.
'Hold on, Harry Malik? As in Perrie and Zayn Malik's son?' Liam asked and Niall nodded, smiling widely. 'Wait, he has dimples?' Liam asked after processing his sons ramble. Niall, again, nodded at his father, the grin on his face now even bigger.
'Holy shit. Sometimes I wish your dad had dimples' Liam sighed but smiled.
'Well I'm sorry I don't. Blame my mother for that' Louis teased as he walked through the front door, dragging his suitcase behind him. Niall gasped and ran towards his other father, wrapping his arms around his neck.
'Thank the Lord your home, I was going nuts, dad, nuts' Niall complained, still hugging his father. Louis wrapped his arms around his only son and laughed at Niall exaggerated comment.
'Niall wanted us to meet his boyfriend, don't you Bub?' Liam smirked. Niall pulled away from his father trying to cover his bright red face. Louis turned to his son, whom was currently glaring at Liam, and smirked.
'Missed you, love you daddy' Niall tried as he wrapped his arms around his fathers slim waist.
'Nice try, babe. We'll have a chat about him later. Right now, I missed both my baby's' Louis said, smiling as he motioned Liam to come over and join the hug. Liam walked over, grinning, and wrapped one arm around Louis back while the other was over Niall's shoulders.
Liam turned to his husband and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Louis smiled, he missed Liam's lips on his own while he was away. Niall groaned audibly at his fathers.
The three boys stayed in the embrace in silence until Niall decided it was too quiet.
'Hate to ruin the moment but what's for dinner' he asked, looking up at his with a shy smile on his face.
823 words.So that's the prologue.
Short but sweet. Hope you enjoyed.
So I got this idea from one of my one shots, it was quite popular on my one shots book (you should check it out👍🏼) and decided I will turn it into a book. I am going to use the two parts in my one shot book and develop them into a story so they will be the same but different as well, know what I mean?
Anyway, I don't really care for feedback, it's always appreciated and welcome, but if I don't get votes and comments then whatever, I'll live ☺️

Like A Princess
Fanfiction'Woah, princess, you look amazing' Harry complimented, not realising the nickname that slipped past his pink lips. Niall mumbled a "thank you" as his cheeks went red and looked at the ground. 'Did he just call you princess, Bub?' An unfamiliar voic...