Harry slipped on a pair of black jeans and finished buttoning up his shirt. He looked in the mirror as he fussed about with his hair, pulling it back into a ponytail then letting it hang loose again, trying to decide which hair style matched his outfit best. He let out a deep breath as he ruffled his wavy hair, deciding to keep it down for the time being. Harry swore he was worse than a girl when it came to doing his hair, it always had to be perfect and compliment his outfit. He even let his mother straighten his locks when it was going into a bun, but only because it looked less messy and went into the bun easier when his hair was straight.
Harry finished sorting himself and made his way downstairs and into his parents living-room. His mother sat cross-legged on the couch as she watched television and his father sat on the floor with his glasses half way down his nose mixing and making music in his laptop.
'Hey, mum, do I look okay?' Harry asked, causing his mother to turn her attention away from the music channels.
'Yeah, baby, you look fantastic. Niall will drool at how handsome you look' She complimented, giggling a little at her eighteen year old son. Harry rolled his eyes at his mother as she got up of the sofa and walked towards him. She re-folded her sons collar and straitened it out with the palm of her hands.
'Can you drive me to Niall's, please?' Harry asked his mother, smiling. Nialls house was inly a fifteen minute walk from his house but it was slightly windy outside and he didnt want to snell like sweat when he got there because of his fast pace walking speed.
'Sure, I'll drive you, son' Harrys father spoke up for the first time since Harry entered. Harry looked at his father whom was smiling at his only child. 'I'd love to see where Niall lives' Harry never understood it but his father had a thing about neighbourhoods. He thought that the type of neighbourhood a person lived in, defined them as a person. Harry completely disagreed but respected his fathers beliefs.
'Okay, dad. Its the same street that auntie Doniya lives, just at the opposite end' Harry explained to his father. His father nodded approvingly as he stood up to collect his shoes.
Harry did the same and walked to the door. He looked at his own shoe rack, deciding which shoes were the most appropriate. He could wear his signature black boots that he wore practically everywhere, simply because they were comfy. He could wear his black, ankle length converse because they were clean and would match his outfit. He could also wear his black dress shoes, because they would make him look smartly dressed and in a way, professional. He decided aginst wearing his boots as they looked worn out and tacky and eventually, with his mothers help of course, decided to wear the converse. The converse made him appear less dressy and more casual, showing that meeting Nialls parents was important but not as improtant as world peace.
'C'mon, Harry. Its half past three, you've to be there for four' His father shouted from outside, peeping his horn to add emphasis to his point of hurrying Harry up. Harry laughed and rolled his eyes, kissing his mother on the cheek and telling her he'd see her when he got home and walked out the door.
As the pair drove the ten minute drive to Nialls house they spoke about Niall and how important he was to Harry.
'So he's special, huh?' Harrys father questioned as they stopped at a set of traffic lights. Harry smiled, thinking of his feeling towards the younger boy.
'Im not entirely sure yet, but I think I might love him, dad' Harry sighed, staring out the window at the houses and trees that passed by.
Harry had been thinking about his feelings for the younger boy for a while. He couldn't get rid off the giddy feeling that emerged when someone mentioned Nialls name. He couldnt stop the goosebumps arising on his skin whenever Niall touched him. He couldnt shake the butterflies buzzing around his stomach whever he saw Niall. He couldnt loose the tingling feeling left over on his lips when Niall kissed him. He felt so comfortable around Niall yet felt so nervous when on the journey to see him. Harry realised that Nialls smile lit up his whole day and would do anything Niall asked without question. If that wasnt love, then Harry didnt know what love was.
'Tell him then, son. If he doesnt know how you feel then he might leave' He said. Harry didnt realise they were now parked ouside Nialls. Looking at his house made the butterflies flutter around his stomach, he could say he was nervous about meeting Nialls parents but that would be lying, he was more excited to see Niall.
'Thanks dad. For the lift, and the advise' Harry said, laughing lightly as he undid his seat belt. He opened the door and exited the car.
'Me and your mother can pick you up, say eight?' His father questioned. Harry nodded thanking his father yet again before closing the door and walking up to Nialls front door as his father drive away.
Harry lifted his hand up, ready to knock but brung it back down again. He took a deep breath in through his nose then breathed out through his mouth. He fastened up yet another button on his light bkue button up shirt then undid the button, unsure of how much of his chest he should show. If he left two buttons undone, it would reveal his tatoos but if he did them all up, he would look like he's trying to hard. Niall had told him to dress casual and not to try to hard because his parents didnt like that. Sighing, he brought his hand up and finally knocked on the door.
The door swung open and revealed a man in his late thirties smiling at Harry. He was wearing a simple white button up, fairly tight black jeans and black dress shoes. His blue eyes matched Nialls and Harry knew it was Nialls father.
'Hi, im Harry' he said as he held his hand out to shake the older boys hand. The man smiled at him and shook his hand, leading him inside afterwords.
'Louis, Nialls dad' he exclaimed proudly.
'Pleasure to meet you, sir' Harry smiled charmingly, hoping Niall would come soon.
'Pleasures all mine, son. Niall will be down in a second. Hes helping his Pa find some shoes' Louis smiled politely. Harry nodded in response, glad that Nialls parents were gay. At least he didnt have to worry about being judged for having a boyfriend.
Niall came downstairs a few moments after and as soon as Harry saw him, he froze. Niall looked stunning in his skinny blue jeans, black button up shirt and black dress shoes. His dyed blond hair was in its usual quiff.
'Woah, princess, you look amazing'

Like A Princess
Fanfiction'Woah, princess, you look amazing' Harry complimented, not realising the nickname that slipped past his pink lips. Niall mumbled a "thank you" as his cheeks went red and looked at the ground. 'Did he just call you princess, Bub?' An unfamiliar voic...