Chapter 6- plan time

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Anyway, while I'm sitting down in her car bored , I may as well tell you how exactly I got here!
Five hours earlier:
While I'm stuffing my mismatched shoes in my satchel and putting on not-a-whole-lot-better socks on, I manage to pick a few words from Zoe she is saying is saying. Something g about her big plan, gabbie, helping someone!
To be honest  I've not got a clue why I'm being involved in all of this! She must be mad! Well actually I think she has already proven to be mad!

She sat there telling me that she had done literally nothing over the last week, she kept telling me unless facts!
She told me that she had not literally been doing nothing, because she has breathed 10067 times and processed at least 4200 litres of blood with her kidneys. She has produced seven bloody litres of blah blah blah......I was just begining to drift off, until she pulled a big chalk board out.
"So....." I said "what's this p, is this the plan"
"No, you're the plan" she explains " you see, it's completely obvious that you have  crush on gabbie, so I'm gonna help you"
I just sat there staring in disbelief, I looked like a right goofball!
"She's leaving tomorrow " she carries on " so we are following her all the way to America"
AMERICA..... No no no ... I cannot do that!
She continues " wel, aye to go here then there and end up here.... Understand"
"No... I can't " I shout bewildered
"Well you love her don't you.... Come on... We have to go now if we want to be back in time for prom"
So.... I follow... My legs leading the way instead  of my bloody brain!
I guess it'll be alright , all it's gonna be is a road trip and maybye a plain and then a ferry....
Okay.. So I guess it all begins here! Let's go Alex , we can do this!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2015 ⏰

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