In LA With A Jerk (4)

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Chapter 4

Annabelle's P.O.V

"What do you want to do today?" James said while rubbing his forehead. Last night I think everybody got incredibly drunk I was a little, I think Steve ended up the worst, he passes out on the lawn and still hasn't woken up yet.

"Let's just go to the beach" Carl yawned while sitting down next to me. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Finally, something smart has come out of your head!" Chad said combing a hand through his hair. Carl laughed and shook his head.

"I'm not really that stupid. Just a bit." He added. James patted him on the back and sat down at the table.

"Is the beach nice, are there loads of screaming kids running around?" I asked. I hate it when you go to a beach and all you get is hundreds of little whining kids while your trying to relax.

"Not on my beach, no" James smirked. Jack's eyes opened wide.

"You own your own beach, how much money do you have?" Jack said, shaking his head. But before James could answer Steve came crashing through the kitchen door, still looking a little bit dizzy.

"Morning!" I said as he was trying to find his way to a chair. "Did you sleep well?" I asked trying to hold back my laugh. Chad started chuckling then Carl joined in. Steve looked around a minute and realised my question was sarcastic.

"Oh, Ha ha and to answer you 'question' I slept like someone had jabbed about twenty knives in y back and made me sleep on them." He squinted his eyes at me.

"Perhaps next time you should sleep on a bed then, instead of trying to connect with nature." I ended the conversation and ran out of the room.

I was walking down the hall when I heard Olivia on the phone to someone. "You got the address? What time are you going to be here? OK see you then, bye" I saw her end the call. She turned around and jumped about ten foot in the air. "Don't sneak up on me like that!" She yelled.

"Who was that?" I gestured to her phone.

"No one important at this moment in time. So what are we doing today?" She quickly changed the subject. She was definitely hiding something.

"Carl said we should all go to the beach" I said slowly. Her face lit up.

"My favourite place in the whole world!" She shouted and clapped her hands. What was she talking about on the phone. I was trying to bring it up but every time I did she either ignored me or changed the subject.

Olivia picked an outfit out for me again, it was as though she was trying to control me. Back home its all the same, you can't wear that, you can't do this, don't act so immature, stop it, all the time!

I was wearing a blue and white polka-dotted bikini with a pair of white short-shorts and a pink vest top. Olivia wore an all yellow bikini with a blue hawian style beach dress. "You ready?" She asked grabbing her beach bag, I sighed, grabbed my back pack and nodded.

When we walked downstairs Karen popped up out of nowhere. "Where you going?" she cocked her head.

"The beach, you want to come?" I asked and turned to Olivia who was shaking her head, I nodded my head and she gave up. "Run upstairs and get changed" She leaped up the stairs and five minutes later came down in a pair of blue shorts and a light green top.

"Hurry up!" Olivia complained.

"We have to wait for the boys, they won't be that long." Olivia sighed and collapsed on to the couch.

"Five minutes and we're going!" I shouted up stairs. First Carl and James came running downstairs, then Steve stumbled down the stairs still not fully sober and tripped over Carl's foot, which he 'accidentally' left there. Finally, Jack followed by Chad came down.

"ooh, five minutes twenty eight seconds. Your lucky we're still here." Karen said taping her watch. Jack ruffled her hair and walked with her out the door.

"Come on then" Chad said wrapping his arm around the bottom of my back.

"Eww, get off of me!" I squirmed out of his grasp and ran away from him.

Chad's P.O.V

How hard is it to get that girl to like me? Most girls fall at my feet, well I suppose she isn't like most girls. But I've just got to treat her like one if i'm going to win this dare.

"Anna, why are you so mad at me?" I ran up to her. every time I walk near her she acts all tense and trys to cover it all up.

"Firstly, don't call me Anna! and secondly try and guess the reason i'm mad at you!" I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, you know you want me." I smirked at her. She stopped suddenly and forced a fake laugh.

"Jog on, pal!" she fake smiled at me. She began walking away again when I put my hand in front of her stopping her in her steps.

"You coming or not!" I heard Carl call in the distance.

"Yeah, we'll just be a minute, go without us we'll catch you up!" I called over to them never taking my eyes off of Annabelle. "Seriously, you liked me last night" I asked her looking straight into her eyes.

"Because I came to my senses, there's your answer. Can I go now!" She yelled at me.

"What do you mean? Answer the question so I can understand it!" I yelled back at her. She put her hands on top of her head.

"Would you just, leave me alone!" she pushed me over. I chuckled.

"Not helping me up then!" I laughed.

Annabelle's P.O.V

This guy just wouldn't quit! I think I literally hate him!

He ran up to me and knocked me on my back. Just ignore him, he will go away. Hes just like a bad smell, not wanted!

"One minute, that's all i'm asking for." Chad pleaded, one chance.

"But-" I started.

"Don't talk, just listen. I know i'm an idiot" I scoffed and he nodded. "But i'm not sure what i've done wrong!" He sounded really confused, I had to tell him.

"Last night, I may have been a little bit drunk, and I didn't realise what I was doing. I just felt cheap kissing you when i've only just met you, I don't know anything about you! Plus," I had to breathe I ddin't know how to tell him about Austin. Oh, God I forgot to call him, Olivia told me not to call him, I wonder why? I got so caught up in my train of thought I had totally forgot about Chad.

"Can you finish the sentence" Chad snapped his fingers, bringing me back to reality.

"Sorry, anyway I've got something to tell you, stop hitting on me because I have a boyfriend" Chad looked taken back by this, but it didn't last long.

"Well, that can always change" I couldn't believe him! I knew he hadn't changed. Typical, all the players can act. I nearly screamed but restrained my self by punching him instead. He fell to the ground with a thud.

"And I hope your eye bruises so no other girl will fall into your trap!" I said as he stood up.

"Girls love a bad boy" He winked at me. I sighed and shook my head.

"There you are again, thinking you can snap your fingers and any girl you want will come running" I could tell i wasn't getting through to him. I carried on walking when I realised everyone else had gone so I had to drive in the car with Chad.

"Looks like you'll have to ride with me" Chad smiled smugly walking over to his car.

"Ugh, I'd rather not!" I walked back to the house. This boy either was a real idiot, perhaps even stupider than me or he really genuinely likes me, well he has a very funny way of showing it. I turned back to Chad to get the truth, once and for all. "Do you really truthfully like me or do you just like seeing me get annoyed?" I asked looking back at him. He shrugged and I felt like I had just gotten my answer.

"Of cause I like you" Then I froze. Hearing him say that, I don't now why but I'm actually glad he did. "Do you like me?" I had no idea how to answer that, so I went with my hearts decision.

"Of course I do" What an idiot I really am.

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