[5] straight to hell.

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5; straight to hell.
"Find an escape."


    "What the hell are we going to do?"

"I- I don't know. Just grab as much as you can, alright?" 

Octavia and Brenda were stuck in the storage closet, a flashlight between Octavia's lips as she grabbed medic bags and needles, medicines, and medical kits - shoving them all into a duffel bag she had found in one of the patients rooms. She knew that the patient wasn't in the room because the bed was unmade. The blankets were strewn on the floors, making it seem the person had upped and left, or they had just woken up, running for their god-given lives; like they should be doing.

Brenda's hands were shaking, but she opted to not say anything since she had started following her friend's orders since they had ran into the room and shut it locked. It was like they were trying to save their lives from something they couldn't explain. Why couldn't they explain it?

Sounds of whirling and helicopters made the two girls pause. Both of them turning to the other with equal confusion. Then sirens of cops cars grew louder and louder. Now, something was up. Not only was there actual cops inside the building, but they called for backup. Something wasn't right. 


Octavia didn't respond, her eyes glancing up at nothing as she only paid attention to the sounds and noises around them. A round of footsteps ran down the hall, past the room they were in, and waiting a few seconds later, Octavia was staring at  Brenda; she snapped out of it, and threw more stuff into the bag before zipping it tightly. The sound of zipper seemed to be the only loud noise in the room, everything else was the heavy breathing from their own lips. 


"What?" Octavia glared over at her, the bag now over her shoulder as she looks out the small window of the door. Nothing was out there, but the lights had started flickering. She took her flashlight from her mouth, holding it in her left hand. "We have to get out of here. Find an escape. Something."

Brenda took few steps closer to her friend, her own bag on her back. "Yeah, that's suicide. Did you not see the cops? We'll be dead before we can get out of here."

It seemed that outside they were surrounded, the cops were lined up. Sounds of ambulances going off, and the helicopters were circling the building as they spoke. It was like they were in quarantine. No one leaves without a say-so, or they would be shot down. 

"It's better to try then to stay here. Come on." 

The door creaked open, her eyes going from side to side of the hallway, it was lit up by the fluorescent lights on the ceiling. 

At least, until they went off. 

A hand latched Octavia's arm, causing her to jump - glaring at her friend. "Don't. Do. That." They were now surrounded by darkness, and she had to rely on her other senses. She snapped her arm out of Brenda's grips and led the two down the hall. "Just, stick close alright?"

In one hand, Octavia held the flashlight that lit up a pathway for them to leave; the other held the crowbar. She didn't want to take chances especially after seeing what happened to that cop a few hours ago. She didn't want to be like him. 

As they turned a corner, she saw the shoot. The one that leads to the basement. Her eyes peeled form the metal door, and glances to Brenda. The girl was watching their back for any surprises. 

"If we make it to that shoot, we'll be okay." She whispers, Brenda turning to her with raised brows. There was a look of fear in her eyes, but Octavia shook her head. 'I mean, when. When we make it. You ready? It's just a few feet to our right."

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