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I hope you enjoy the chapter!


// Zoe's POV //

"Zoe Carlisle, Allison Monroe, and Lily Richards. Report to Mr. Reynolds office immediately" I heard Jasmine call over the intercom while I was in the gym punching a punching bag. I sighed and took my gloves off and wiped the sweat beads that formed on my forehead off.

Once I got to Mr. Reynolds office I knocked on the door and waited for a response "Come in!" I walked in to see Allison and Lily sitting in two of the seats in front of Mr. Reynolds desk, he nodded to me and I sat down beside Allie. "Okay so girl's now that all of you are here we can get down to business. Okay so I'm assuming you all have heard of the band One Direction?" we nodded and he continued "Well they need protection.. well they don't know they do but yeah.." he trailed off and we all rolled our eyes. "Sir can you just get to the point" Lily asked impatiently tapping her finger on his desk.

"Ah right.. You girls need to protect the boys.. Oh and Zayn too we figured that since Zayn left the band and left Naughty boy and went to another Record Label he has been mad at him and we think he's going to try and hurt them and we already called and told Eleanor and Perrie about our situation." We nodded.

"Alright we need you to go in undercover, don't let them know your real name." He said pulling out some files.

"Zoe your new name is Darcy Campbell, Allison your new name is Lola Wright, and Lily your new name is Kayla Benson. Oh and Perrie's fake names is Lila Cortez and Eleanor's is Alyssa James. Now girl's you can't let them know anything about your real personality. Oh and also another thing, Do NOT fall in love with them."


Well there ya have it that was the First chapter tell me how you like it in the comments bye! ~Megan (: Xxx

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