596 31 9

Needing another hair dye, colour ideas?

said this was gonna be short but it went really long so looool



It was getting pretty late now and after our fifth movie, we began to get bored and naturally, we began to direct more attention to each other than to the laptop.

Luke ran his fingers up and down my arm softly leaving goose bumps. I shuddered as I tried to keep my eyes glued to the screen.

"Psst," he said quietly, stroking my arm more. When I didn't respond he leaned over until his mouth was close to my ear and he spoke lowly. "Babee."

I gulped nervously, trying to pretend like he wasn't extremely hot right now.

Suddenly his lips were on my neck and I squealed in shock. He began biting at the skin and sucking it softly and soon my surprise turned into pleasure as I melted into it.

I bit my lip to keep in the noises.

"No baby, moan." He smirked against my skin.

I took deep breaths and I was able to control myself and keep quiet.

"Moan." he said again as he bit down at my neck slightly, making me groan out. "That's right." He encouraged me, putting a hand on my chest to keep me down.

I had enough of his teasing and I gripped his collar, pulling him on top of me and then gripping his face down to mine and pressed my lips to his.

I took deep breaths in between kisses. Luke stopped and looked down at me. I shifted a little under his gaze, I was still self conscious even though I loved Luke.

He frowned slightly and grabbed my hands. "Don't feel awkward sweetheart." He leaned down and left a lingering kiss on my cheek.

I blushed and looked up at him with adoration. His hands tugged at the bottom of my shirt slightly. "Can I?" He asked. I nodded silently and he pulled it over my head, eyeing me. I felt nervous again but he noticed and removed his own shirt, letting himself lie on my chest, running his hands up and down it.

"You're perfect," He mumbled into my skin and I didn't want to tell him I disagreed because I knew I would never win that argument.

"T-thank you." I stuttered.

He began to pepper a trail of kisses down my chest and he reached the top of my sweatpants as he pulled at the waistband with his teeth. I was so engulfed in the pleasure that I forgot about my thighs. I panicked and knew I had to stop him. Quickly.

I grabbed him and flipped us over, deciding I would just keep his mind occupied with other things.

"Michael let me undress you-" He said but was cut off as I grabbed the bulge in his boxers, making him let out a gasp.

"FUCK, Michael!" He moaned. His hands found their way into my boxers also and his arm brushed up against my thigh and I let out a yelp of pain.

"Michael are you alright?" He asked, slipping out of his euphoric state.

"Y-yeah," I told him.

He squinted but carried on kissing me anyway. He pulled away soon after and pushed me away as he sat on the edge of the bed, patting his lap. I timidly sat down as we continued the session.

The kiss got heated quickly, the only noise filling the room now was our pants and moans. Luke began to move around underneath me to gain some friction and I whimpered.

My breaths were heavy and staggered as his hands trailed down my chest once more and further down until they reached my thighs.

He ran them up and down my legs and I couldn't help but let out the cry that I did, it was way too rough and painful to hold in and Luke pulled away instantly and stared at me.

"Michael." He said sternly. I sat wide eyed at him, forgetting about our 'situations'.

"Why do you keep wincing when I touch your leg?" He asked. "Why is it hot?" He questioned again, hovering his hand over the grey material. (When I used to do it on my legs it was weird but it used to be like hot to the touch in the area where it was? Idek if that's a thing but yeah. It is now)

I kept silent, not trusting myself to speak and tell him it was nothing- that would of course be a lie.

"Michael." He said again. His hands hovered above my thighs. I felt my lip tremble slightly and I swallowed back some tears but not all of them. I mentally cursed myself for not being able to keep it concealed for even one day. Nice job, idiot.

"Baby? Say something." His eyes glazed over. "Tell me this isn't what I think, tell me I'm wrong!"

I shook my head softly as I began to feel a few tears roll down my cheeks.

He lifted me up and sat me on the edge of the bed, kneeling on the floor in front of me. He placed his hands on the waistband of my sweatpants and I jerked a little but he gave me a look which made me trust him. He slipped them down to my ankles and sat back up, looking at the bloody mess which was my legs. He wasn't even looking at my boxers at all, he seemed too upset to think about that.

He looked heartbroken. "Sweetheart?" Luke whimpered.

I still couldn't say a word. I just cried more. He laced my hand with his and rubbed circles in it. "Don't cry, please."

I hiccupped and wiped my eyes.

"When was this?" He asked.

"Y-Y-Yesterday." I choked out.

"After I fell asleep?" He frowned and I nodded a little.

I watched his face as he stared at my thighs in silence, making me feel uncomfortable. I sighed shakily and looked at the ceiling, not believing I was stupid enough to get myself in this situation.

I felt a hand on my jawline and it tilted my face down. I was met with Luke's lips as he left me a sweet, short kiss on mine.

He pulled my sweatpants back up and told me to stay sat down. I hung my head in shame as he walked to the other side of the room. He came back wearing a shirt and holding a one piece hoodie. He slid it onto me and I took a deep breath, smelling him on it. This was his hoodie.

"Come on," He said shakily as he guided me under the covers of the bed, then walked to the wall and turned the light switch off.

He came back and got in the other side, pulling me into his side, wrapping his arms around me protectively. I snuggled into him, feeling guilty for wetting his shirt with my tears. One rolled down my cheek and his finger swiped it off my face as he looked down at me through the dim lighting of outside.

"I love you, so much." His voice broke. "Okay?"

"I love you too." I whispered.

"I want you to love yourself." He muttered. "I want you to think yourself as beautiful as I think you are."

I rolled my eyes, knowing that wouldn't happen.

"We have three days baby, three days and we're out of here." He sighed as I felt my eyes go heavy and let myself drift off to sleep, feeling safer than I had in a while.



WHERE'S ARIANA GRANDE WHEN YOU NEED HER- then at least I'd have a few less problems
XD that was terrible.
Bye x

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