Just stop: 5

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chapter 5

Penelope's P.O.V

It's already Friday and when I say Friday the only thing that goes to my head is the song from Rebeca black, and of course me being me I have to sing it.

"Its Friday, Friday gotta get down on Friday!" I sing while taking a shower.

Today is the day that i'm gonna have the most epic weekend ever, first off i'm gonna sneak out today and I don't even have weekend plans so might as well say i'm gonna have a awesome Friday.

And im super happy because now that the principal is helping me out with my teachers I might even walk across the stage, and have my eighteenth birthday party ugh im so excited.

I get out of the shower and brush my teeth, my usual routine.

when im done changing I hear my phone buzz and I pick it up.

"hello?" I didn't have time to check who it was cause im too lazy.

"hey hurry up I texted you to come out a long time ago hurry" just by hearing the familiar voice I recognized who it was.

"look Adam, im a girl and I take a long ass time to get ready so leave me alone" I say over exaggerated

"oh so you want me to go ok bye"

"No! you know your my only ride and plus im too lazy to walk to school, im on my way down right now" I hang up and make my way down the stairs.

When I get outside I see Adam leaning on his car waiting for me.

"Hey thanks for waiting for me" I make my way to the car and he opens the door for me. He makes his way the other side of the car and gets inside.

"I waited for you because I had no other choice, and plus I felt bad"

"you felt bad ? why" I question him.

"because this might be the last chance I get to see you after your mom kills you" he pouts his lips and starts his car.

"oh my gosh shut up ,but yet you might be right" I say playing along with him.


"ok guys lets all pray for pen that she's still gonna be alive on Saturday" tiffany says while she folds her hands and bows her head.

"ok guys stop making me worry so much before I decide not to go any more" we're at lunch and by we're I mean Adam, Leo, Yeni, tiffany, Jennifer, and me.

"ok guys this seems unfair I just noticed there's four girls and just two guys" Adam speaks up.

"Yup it is unfair I think half of the school thinks me and Adam are gay" Leo agrees.

"Well you not me" Adam clarifies, and earns a eye roll from me.


sorry I took too long to update and that this chapter is so short but hey at least I updated

remember to....




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