Chapter 10: Thunder Muffin

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"Kit wake up, me you and Jin are gonna go to the store with Thunder Muffin." Ross said shaking me. I was still in his room. I guess I fell asleep with Thunder Muff,....again.
I put Thunder Muffin on his chicken leash, grabbed my camera and ran downstairs.
Time skip
I ended the first part of the blog as we walked into Petco. Ross covered my eyes.
"For being so good at school", Ross started. "Being the honors student that you are, Jin and I wanted to get you something special."
"From Petco?" I was so confused. Ross uncovered my eyes and I saw the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. A FOX.
"We are letting you adopt a fox!" Jin said.
The fox ran to me like it knew me.
"I'm gonna call you Kitkat."
Time skip
It was 9pm and of course Jin wanted me to go to bed on time. We had a test tomorrow. Kitkat got along with everyone. I climbed into bed with Kitkat and fell asleep.
Hey guys
Sorry if you waited along time for this chapter and that its so short. I got caught up with high school and other things and I finally got time to write this part. For being late have some cake. YAY🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰😀😀
Stay rossome, peace✌️👾🎮

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