Chapter 2- A new world

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Ember tried to open her eyes, but a light blinded her. Her body was laying on something soft and her clothes were wet.
She could hear a familiar voice echoing through her mind... Shouting her name... But it seemed so far away.
Am I dead? Is this paradise?
Ember finally oppened her eyes to see where she was exactly. She sat on the grass and looked around.

Judging by the amount of trees around her, she was definitly in a forest. She looked down to her feet. They were "bathing" in a pond.
Ember tried to stand up, but her legs refused to obey to her brain. She fell to the ground immediatly.
She clunged to a tree and called out Andrew's name.
Where is he... Where am I?
She went deeper in the forest trunk by trunk, scraping her arms against the tree bark.
"Bloody hell Andrew, where are you!"
Ember couldn't take it anymore. She let herself fall to the ground. She was lost in this hellhole with nowhere to go.
She called out one last time for him.
"Andrew, She screamed, where are you!"
No answer.
After what felt like an eternity, she heard a voice. Andrew's.
"Ember! Help me!"
Panic washed through her. Andrew was in trouble, but she could barely walk, how was she supposed to get to him?
It took all of her determination to stand up. She couldn't walk straight, but that was the best she could do for now. She leaned on tree trunks sometimes, to regain her balance.
"I'm coming!" She shouted.
She ran to the source of Andrew's voice as fast as her legs let her. She was getting closer by the second, she knew it.
"Down the cliff!" Andrew ordered.
She went to the edge of the cliff and looked down. It wasn't very deep like most cliffs. It was about 5 meters deep. But that wasn't it.
There was a huge bird-like creature roaring. Giant metallic wings streched along its lion body, its silver fur reflecting light. It was beautiful, but intimidating.
With relief she saw Andrew still alive, but getting weaker. He was throwing whatever object he found on the ground to the beast, doing nothing more than infuriating it.
Without really thinking, she grabbed a tree branch pointier than the others and jumped on the neck of the griffin.
The beast was roaring and trashing all over the place. But Ember didn't care. She was stabbing it recklessly. Hot drops of blood were sprinkling her face.
The griffin collapsed and she got ejected on the side of the cliff. She fell to the ground with a loud "thump".
Andrew ran to her side, to check if she was okay.
She was a mess. Her forearms were all scratched. The griffin's blood was mixed with her own, making her face seem red. Her dress was all ripped and stained with blood. Her red hair were soggy and bloody.
All of this because of him.
He checked her pulse, and to his relief, her heart was still beating. It's pace was slower than usual, but what he cared most was that she was still alive, in his arms.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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