Chapter 1

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The ringing phone filled me with dread. I looked at the caller ID.

“I should have known.” This had been the 10th time that Stephen Robson had called. I picked it up on the 3rd ring.

“Stephen, what do you want?” I said into the phone nice and loud.

He replied, “I want you to forgive me. I know I kissed…”

I never heard the end of that sentence. I had hung up before Stephen had gotten a chance to explain. I had it in my head, and I knew the whole thing.

I had gone to the classes Halloween party. I had seen my boyfriend kissing my ex best friend, which was his ex girlfriend. I had seen it all unfold. When I saw it, I ran, and didn’t stop until I got home. It was a good mile, but I knew that he hadn’t seen me. I was about ½ way home when I finally heard him calling my name running after me. “Grace! Grace! Stop!” I got home and ran up to my room, and haven’t been out since.

Now I was sitting on my bed IMing Karen Edwards. She had been my best friend since the 4th grade.

Here is how the messaging went about Stephen.

Ms. Lions~ Karen… He was kissing Pauline Gilliam! PAULINE GILLIAM!

k.edwards~ I know, but you should take him back… I mean you make perfect couples!

Ms. Lions~ He kissed her, and that’s that! I’m not taking him back, not now, not ever! Goodnight Karen!

I signed off. I climbed into bed. I covered up in the sheets.

“Goodnight world, I’ve had a hard day, and now its time for me to sleep.” I lay my head against the pillow. I was drifting of to sleep when the phone rang again. I picked up the phone pushed the ignore button again, and disconnected the line.

I slept until 10 the next day, or tried to. Today is Saturday, which means we have a basketball game. Meaning I was going to have to see Pauline again. There was no way I was going to talk to her. Not after what she did to me. Not even if Stephen had been the one to make the first move.

I walked down stairs. Mom had the breakfast on, and dad was reading the paper. It looked like Kristin, my sister, had been up and was at her friends already. And it looked like Craig, my brother, was still in bed. That’s usually how it went, but who knows, maybe it went the other way around. Anyhow, I went and sat down at the kitchen table while mom set a plate of food in front of me. “Thanks mom, it looks delicious!”

“You’re welcome, Grace. Now eat up, you have a big game today,” mom said as she pored herself another cup of coffee.

I hurried my eating. Just as I did, I saw a green and white Camaro pull up in the driveway. “Oh great,” I muttered under my breath. I picked up my gym bag. “Goodbye mom and dad, see you later!” I called as I walked out the door. “What are you doing here Stephen? I don’t want to talk to you!”

“Just listen to me,” Stephen started, “I’m sorry about what happened last night! I wish I could take it back, but I can’t! I didn’t mean to kiss her. She came onto me. Just get in, I’ll take you to your game, and I’ll explain on the way there, please?” he finished.

“Listen to me Stephen,” I started in on him,”I’m not in the mood right now. Why don’t you check in on me in about never? I’ve had enough of your crap. I’m not going to put up with you going around and kissing other girls,” I said, and started walking in the direction of the basketball game.

“Grace, common, please,” Stephen started in again, “I wanna explain.” He started walking after me, grabbed my arm, and tried to spin me around.

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