Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Haley Danielle

That was the beginning of my days of torture. I wasn’t the person who fit in like the others, I just sat there day after day reminiscing about my friends, and old life back home. I couldn’t believe that this actually happened to me. I mean who gets shoved into the change room shower on their second day of school, or who gets picked on for being from Canada and saying eh a lot!!! Seriously I bet no one has ever had that done to them before.

The worst day was the one I will never forget. After 2 years of torture and bullying I cut myself. I wasn’t surprised I had the guts to do it. I mean I was the one who ate chocolate pudding off the floor. But there was worse. I was in music class playing my chromatic scale for my teacher, when suddenly the P.A system came on “Marika Nickson please report to the office, Marika Nickson.” At that moment I knew something was definitely wrong, I have never been called down to the office, I finished my test and walked up to the office. I was wondering what could be wrong. Sitting there with his head in his hands was my dad, I walked up to him. “Daddy what’s wrong, why are you here?” “It’s about your mother.”

The only thing I could think was something is for sure wrong. He told me the whole story “Your mother stayed home from work because she was tired, she was laying down in her bed when she heard a peculiar noise in the kitchen. She walked down to the kitchen and standing beside the oven were three large, burly men. Their backs were to her so she quietly backed away, then ran to her room. She grabbed the phone and dialled 911. The men in the kitchen intercepted the phone call and looked through the house while trying to find her.”

At that point I had tears prickling my eyes, and threatening to fall any moment. He continued “The leader of the men I guess you can say, abused your mother and tried to force her into something terrible. You know what I am talking about right?” I nodded slowly thinking about how she must have felt. “She was always a fighter, so when she wouldn’t listen to them, they took a knife and stabbed her in the heart. The police came but the men had just enough time to escape. This was all caught on our security cameras.”

I couldn’t believe my mother, Jessica Lorraine Nickson, was killed more like murdered. As my father said she was always a fighter so I guess she put up a good fight which makes me feel better knowing she tried and didn’t just give up. Tears started falling and I couldn’t help myself, I threw myself at my dad saying “She w-was the only reason I-I-I stayed h-here she h-h-helped me t-t-through it all. I can’t believe she is gone.”

Days later the shock still coursed through my veins. The thought was tearing me apart. It had been a week since the news. The police were doing all they could to try and find my mother’s killers but they couldn’t find anything. They kept constant watch on the house to make sure nothing else bad happened to me and my dad.

The next week I was talking to my dad when he brought up the subject about moving back to Hamilton.

“Hey Marika, I was thinking that maybe we could move back to Hamilton to make sure nothing else happens.” “But the police are already making sure of that aren’t they?” “Yes but I want to be very sure that you will be safe, and nothing will happen.” “Okay so we can move back to Hamilton!?” “Yes and then you could be with all your old friends.” “Friend by the way and YES!!!! Eep I would love to!”

So within the next few days we were packing non-stop, making sure everything was in order. I called Haley and she was ecstatic about it. She was very sorry to hear about my mom and all, we cried together but that was when she came to the realization that we could be together again! She was screaming for exactly 10:13:86 minutes. I was really happy too, but I could only think that people back home would only give me sympathy and pity. I can’t stand it when people feel bad for me it drives me insane.

“OH MY GOD I can’t believe you are here now! We can now have our lifelong dream of going to school together!” “Yeah I can’t wait!” I may have been excited but being scared was taking over my body. I was scared my mother’s killer would come for me.

The next day was Saturday and Haley and I went to the mall to catch up. We shopped literally until we dropped. “Haley do you remember when we used to do this every weekend?” “Yes I do we would always pull a prank on one of the store clerks!” “Gotta love it when the get really confused!” “Ahh” “I wish you hadn’t left, my world almost turned upside down.”

We spent the rest of the day at Haley’s house modeling our clothes and laughing. After that we decided that then would be a good time to go swimming. “Hey Haley is your pool open yet?” “Yes do you want to go right now?!” “Yes I do!” So we changed into our bathing suits and ran to the pool. Before we got in I looked at Haley and said “Are you thinking what I am thinking?” “Yes… CANNON BALL!!!!!!”

We ran and at the same time cannon balled into her in ground pool. When we both resurfaced we were laughing so hard. Then suddenly she squirted me with a pool noodle. So I took a water gun and squirted her. Soon we were in a full-fledged water fight. We had such a good time, but Monday came too soon.

The next day was my first day back at school in Hamilton. Just as I expected many people were sorry to hear about my loss and all day I only heard ‘sorry to hear about your mother,’ ‘I feel your pain’ and many others. I couldn’t handle it. Haley was beside me all day. We had all the same classes together, so when English rolled around Haley helped me through it all.

Mr.Bartonni came into the class and assigned our work. “As you all know Marika just came back from Arizona, where a very unfortunate event happened. Do any of you know what happened?” Everyone raised their hands. Haley whispered in my ear “Rumours spread like wildfire throughout this school! “I wasn’t surprised; everything spreads like wildfire around this town. Mr.Bartonni continued “So today your assignment is to write a 5 page essay on how you think it would feel like to lose someone so close to you, and if you want to write your essay in Marika’s point of view!”

See what I mean by pity if you don’t you will because what he said next was “But Marika you don’t have to write it you just sit there and think.” See everyone is giving me pity and sympathy that I don’t want!

I walked home alone that day, thinking about how much my life has changed since that fateful day 2 years ago when I had to leave my hometown, to when my mother was murdered, to today with everyone’s sympathy.

I walked into my front door of my new house. Today was the day I was going to meet my next door neighbours! I was really excited to meet them but I was wondering who they were because they live in my old house. I was really sad that we weren’t going to live in my old house, but since we got the house next door it wasn’t so bad. I went to the kitchen and put my bag down on the counter. “Hey dad where are you?” “In the basement!” I went downstairs and he was sitting at the computer. “Hey Marika how was school?” “Ok I guess, Mr.Bartonni my English teacher made the class do a 5 page essay on how they think it would feel to lose a loved one, and since they were talking about me I didn’t have to do it.”

“Oh I see I know how much you hate having pity and sympathy from other people. On a lighter note I need to you to make some chocolate chip cookies for when we meet the Jensons.” “Oh are the Jensons our next door neighbours?” “Yes they are, we are going over for supper and I thought it would be nice if we brought your famous cookies over!” “Ok I will get right on it dad!!”

My cookies were finished my dad and I were on our way to the Jensons. We rang the doorbell my dad whispered in my ear “Don’t stare ok?” And before I could answer the door opened and I understood what he meant. It took all my might not to stare. The guy who opened the door was the hottest guy I have ever seen. He was 6, 1 and he was browned eyed, with black hair and very chiselled features. And through his tank top I could see his abs. He had a flippin’ six pack! He was amazing, and for a second he made me forget about everything else going on. When he invited us in, I couldn’t walk and tripped on my own foot. “Oh my god are you ok?” “Yeah I am fine can you just help me up?” “Yeah sure.” He helped me up and introduced himself. “Hi my name is Ashton! What’s yours?” “H-Hi my name i-is Marika. Nice to meet you.” “Come on in let me introduce you to the rest of the family!”


Since i got 40 reads i decided i should update but seriously guys i need you to comment vote and fan otherwise there will be no point in continuing!!!

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